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xxx[-◘-] Roleplaying - Non-canon Equus

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November 27th 2016

A new start!
As you may have noticed- we're back and we're under new management! The lines are going to get a re-haul, the front page is getting a face lift, and the guild is under construction. Pardon our dust but do come in, make a friend, and drag a few friends in to help us get back to life!

Please be patient in regards to conversions, breedings, and catching up to old work owed. The lineartist just got a new job and will be scarce through the week. We're giving Winterfalcon's old art a facelift from a colorist who personally worked with her for years. It'll stay true to the spirit of the old lines while giving it a spit shine for the new shop. If you have questions or concerns, let us know! We're here to help!

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Many believe that the stars tell of the future…
While others still believe they tell of the past. All anyone can agree on is that the stars themselves have a voice of their own. In ancient texts there is mention of the “Music of the Heavens” and that there was a time when all living things could hear the songs of ancient history and of prophecy for themselves. Those days have long passed us by, leaving us to look upon the night sky with as much mystery as awe.

The wise know that while the stars themselves do not dictate the fates of the individuals, they tell of a grand design that is yet to be seen in completion. It is believed that there is something greater beyond even the heavens, something that keeps the balance, something that is as infinitely large as it is small, something eternal. Whatever this something is has long been debated but a part of it exists within all living things. It flows in great measures and in small, it alters all it touches and fills a body with a life and a spirit.

The Equus are no different. In the lifeblood of some flows only a minimal amount of this being, a force they know as “the affinity”. This affinity grows stronger in the presence of certain elements and brings with it a physical manifestation within the being that it inhabits. Along with the affinity comes a power most easily explained as magic- a power that is unseen as the source of it but no less real.

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The Affinities ||
Affinities are domains of elements that carry with them physical traits in the Equus. Some Equus have little affinity while others boast a great deal of it. These affinities essentially create the different species of Equus seen in the world and pass from parent to child. Each affinity manifests in special traits that assist the Equus in their day to day survival and their tolerance to the element of their affinity.

Want to know more?
Continue reading! Some affinities are more common than others, some manifest in rare quantities. Each affinity will be explained in detail in their respective post.

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This includes, but is not limited to, tracing, drawing on the artwork, using the artwork off-gaia for any reason, duplicating designs into another shop without the expressed permission of the artist, "heavily referencing" our artwork for your own means, and using the designs of pets not belonging to you for your own personal means.

Ω RP is not required but it is encouraged and rewarded!
We get it. Some folks like to have long heartfelt plots, stories, etc. and some just want pretty equines to decorate their signatures with, to breed, and to throw at their friends and loved ones on gaia. We won't take pets of inactive individuals, but we will reward folks who go the extra mile with perks in breeding, customs, games, and events.

Ω Leave your drama at the door.
Don't like someone? Ignore them. Don't like a rule or policy? PM the mule and we can have a civil discussion. Don't like a political situation happening on the news today? Keep it to the chatter box. Long story short- avoid any inflammatory, hot topic, or negativity out of here. We're a positive community with diversity of thought as well as everything else. Everyone is welcome- so try not to make anyone feel otherwise.

Ω Do not harass anyone.
This includes making someone feel guilty or uncomfortable for winning or entering a game, guilting a staff member for a free Equus, begging for something, etc. You'll get an Equus if you hang around and show a positive attitude. In the meantime, don't rain on other people's parades.

Ω Try to keep civil and appropriate.
This means keeping swearing to a minimum, don't discuss the private details of your bedroom life, don't insult things things that other people may enjoy, don't bash on other people, their pets, the cosplays, etc.

Ω Do not use this shop as a billboard.
Do not come here to throw out banners to your shops, your DA page, your youtube, etc. What you have in your sig is your business and advertise away there! But do not come here to throw up an advertisement then run off. It's annoying, it's rude, and it's just not the place for it.

Ω You can only RP an Equus that you own.
You cannot rp an Equus unless you actually own it. This should go without saying.

Ω Co-owning is not a thing here.
To avoid drama and the messy situations that come with co-owning, we will not allow them here.

Ω You cannot sell or trade your pets.
If you wish to re-home your pets, you may surrender them to the shop to be re-homed or PM the mule with an exchange of ownership including proof of YOUR ownership of the pets you are re-homing and the gaia screen name of the individual to whom you would like your pets re-homed to.

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◄ F. A. Q ►

With the shop reopening there are a few questions we are seeing pop up! We get it. Before going on, please understand a few things:

► The owners are new. We cannot know what happened in the old shop, what is owed, etc.
►If you don't say something, we'll have no way of knowing!
► With new management comes new policies. If you don't like it you are not obligated to remain within the shop as a patron. We're sorry to see you go but we can't make everyone happy and times have changed here on Gaiaonline.

I have a pet that never grew up! Will you grow it?
This is a little complicated... firstly- we are aware that there were real-life commissions under the old owners as well as gaiaonline purchases. We will honor any and all gaiaonline obtained pets as we are legally obligated to do so. Unfortunately, gaiaonline takes no responsibility for pets that were obtained off-site. We may open up growth slots for RLC's in the future, but we have limited resources and a lot to catch up with so we're going to prioritize the pets that were are obligated to first. .

Can I have my pet converted?
We'll have conversion threads up in the guild that we will pull pets from when we are available to do so! Do take note that some edits, items, and species have been discontinued under the new management so your pet may not be exact to what it was before.

How do cosplays work?
Because of how old the original shop is and how many times the lines have changed hands, we're going to do open cosplays. This means that there can be multiples of any one cosplay character because we have no way of knowing who has been done before, who they belong to, etc. Files were lost, images are broken, etc. This isn't ideal, but it's either this or we can't offer cosplays. We do ask that every cosplay duplicate looks distinctly different from the existing ones. For the new lines- this is easy, but as time goes on, please choose "alternate outfits", different interpretations, etc.

Can we do cross-plays?
No... just because this can get hairy.

Do we have to ask permission for cosplay owners to get a duplicate?
You can, it's the civil thing to do, but you are not required to.

Can my cosplay have the same powers as the character?
No. Your cosplay is just that- a cosplay. It resembles, in appearance, the character. They can have the name and personality of the character but the background, powers, etc. will have to make sense to the shop.

Are there naming rules?
Sort of? Names should be names, not sentences. We don't want to try to fit "Runs swiftly through a summer night" on a cert. Instead, try "Summer Night" or "Runs Swiftly". Names also should not be...foul. "Poop bucket" is not a good name. Curse words, drug references, and slang terms are not allowed.

I want a non traditional relationship situation. Is that allowed?
Yes. Most non-traditional relationships, barring incest and minor-attracted individuals, will be permitted. However, non-traditional oriented Equus will need to adopt. Surrogates and...unwilling breeding partners open a lot of very uncomfortable doors, especially when RP is involved, so we're going to restrict those. Rogue or orphaned foals can be taken in by single parents or other family units if forming a family is part of that relationship situation's goals.

Where can I look for a plot or a mate for my Equus?
In the guild we will have a plot search subforum for finding plots, throwing out herd concepts, etc. We'll have a separate classified section for looking for mates, flings, etc. This will make it neat and tidy! You can discuss it in the thread but the details should be hammered out in a thread or over PM.

Have a question? PM us and we'll address it!

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Growth Rates ||
Filly/Colt → Adult 1 Month

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Fillies & Colts ►
The newborns are able to stand and walk within hours of birth. Within days these creatures are all legs, romping around and getting into trouble. They can run from danger to defend themselves, graze, and explore but they're pretty helpless without their parent so they tend to stay with their mother until adulthood.

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Stallions and Mares ►
Now fully grown, the Equus has entered its prime. They're bigger, stronger, faster, and wiser. The adults tend to rise into roles of leaderships due to their experience and prowess in the world.

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Miniature Adults ►
Much like their full sized counterpart, Equus Ponies are full of life. They don't let their smaller size getin the way of their dreams.

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Roleplay is not required but it is encouraged. The land is vast and mysterious, new things are always being discovered.

Role Playing Rules ||

Do not Godmode!
This means assuming actions of other characters, reading minds, performing feats outside of the realm of possibility, etc. It should be common sense. If you're confused- google it. If you're still confused- ask!

Do not RP adult content.
This includes, but is not limited to: sexual situations, drug use, alcohol, extreme gore and violence, and excessive profanity.

Do not give your characters powers they do not have.
We don't have magic fleshed out right now- if we ever do it. For now, assume your Equus has no magical abilities.

Do not break the canon of the shop.
While we are still working on a world map, locations, etc. you can assume that there are seas, islands, mountains, grasslands, deserts, etc. You cannot assume that your Equu can go into space, that there are floating islands, etc. Also try to be reasonable with the flora and fauna. Common animals can be assumed to be about but try to steer clear of fantastic beasts unless the staff specifically mention them.
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No Affinity Equus||
Equus who lack an affinity appear as simple equines. They carry within them the affinity of the Great One but their spirits were not powerful enough to draw in an element along with the basic affinity. They are no less valuable in the eyes of the Great One and in fact are the most numerous on the face of his creation.

Physical Attributes ||
No Affinity Equus have the largest size diversity. They can be lithe and limber as an Earthen Arabian or be as large and powerful as a Clydesdale. They can't be as small as a mini horse, nor can they grow larger than a standard draft- but they do boast a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and temperaments.

Magical Abilities ||
No Affinity Equus' spirits are not powerful enough to host any magical abilities. They can sense it, they can be effected by it, and they can study it- but they cannot channel or perform it.

Environment ||
Hand in hand with their variety of body shapes and sizes, the no affinity Equus can live just about anywhere. From the short, stocky, and thick-coated Equus of the frozen north to the long-legged short-coated desert trotters of the equator, what they lack in magical ability they prosper in physical diversity.

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Wind Affinity ||
Equus who bear the affinity of wind are born with a pair of feathered wings on their back. They’re smaller and lighter than the Equuis that lack an affinity, but they are gifted with the ability.

Physical Attributes ||
Wind affinity Equus tend to be shorter, leaner, and have a lithe body structure. Their wings vary in shapes and sizes, normally taking after their environment. Equus with wide, broad wings tend to live in valleys while Equus with long, slender wings tend to live along the coastline. They're the most fragile of the Equus but they're are the swiftest of hoof and wing.

Magical Abilities ||
Their wings aren't enough to carry them! Equus are large creatures and need a little help. Wind affinity Equus can summon short bursts of wind under their wings to push against the ground or to send them sailing. It's hardly enough to summon a whirlwind or even knock another Equus away, but it's enough to get them up into the sky.

Environment ||
The wind Equus can live just about everywhere but they tend to stray away from places that would confine them. Tight forests and canyons tend to make them nervous as it would be difficult to spread their wings and fly. The less obstacles, the better. Wind Equu also have a hard time flying in extreme cold so they tend to avoid the far north. They can live there- but it's harder for them to do so.

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Earth Affinity ||
Equus who bear the affinity of earth are born with a pair of antlers sweeping back from their skulls. Stallions boast larger antlers than Meres, but both display their tines proudly. They tend to be tall and slender.

Physical Attributes ||
Earth Equus are lithe, slender, and tall. They have thick shoulders and necks with more narrow, slender back ends. While both females and males carry a crown of antlers on their skulls, males will often compete for mates and territory using their antlers while females will decorate their tines with plant life to catch the eye of a stallion. They're quick and strong but their strength is their agility. They can leap great distances and weave through a heavy wood with ease.

Magical Abilities ||
Earth Equus are in tune with the earth and while they can't exactly speak with the trees, they can sense them. As they run, often at breakneck speed, they can sense what growing things stand in their way. Because of this they can vanish into the brush easily, locate secret paths, and locate a safe glade to hide within with their spirits rather than their eyes. If an Earth-Affinity Equu doesn't want to be found in their wood- they won't be.

Environment ||
Earth Equus tend to live exclusively in the forests and jungles. They are at the greatest advantage in the trees and shrubs. They can live in the grasslands and plains, but they tend to feel empty and exposed in places like the deserts and the canyons. They can live in these places- but they tend to avoid them.

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xxxxxMoon Affinity ||
The Equus of the night are born with a pair of leathery wings tipped in cruel talons. They are often considered mysterious as they tend to avoid the sunlit hours in favor of the night.

Physical Attributes ||
Moon Equus are fairly average in size. They're a good deal more muscular through the shoulder and chest than most Equus so they present an imposing presence. Their wings are large, claw-like, and webbed with a thin membrane of skin that carries them through the night. Like bats, they can fly but they have to launch from a high up place before they can take flight. If a Moon Equus is grounded on a flatland, their wings are pretty much for show.

Magical Abilities ||
Moon Equus can see almost perfectly in pitch darkness. They can count the legs on a spider in the darkest of nights under even a thick veil of clouds. They are able to draw darkness into their coats when in flight. It's not enough to go invisible, but a dark-coated Equus can easily pass for a shadow against the night sky. Obviously, pale-coated moon Equus can only fade out their shapes against the sky, but it's better than nothing.

Environment ||
Because of the nature of their flight, Moon Equus prefer to live in the high places of the world. Canyons, cliffs over valleys, and sloping landscapes tend to draw the Moon Equus to them. Some Moon Equus will migrate during the year to avoid longer daylit hours.

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xxxxxSun Affinity ||
The Equus of the light are born with a long, spiraling horn rising up from their brow. This horn allows them to draw in sunlight and convert it to minor healing energy. They’re highly regarded among their fellows.

Physical Attributes ||
Sun Equus are all grace and no brawn. They're long, tall, and lithe like the Earth Equus but they lack the massive shoulders and neck. Instead, they're delicate, graceful, and tall. Their defining feature are long, spiraling horns rising from in-between their eyes.

Magical Abilities ||
The long, slender horns of the Sun Equus allows them to draw in sunlight and store it inside their bodies. This sunlight is converted into spiritual energy that they can use to heal other Equus. It's not enough to revive the dead, completely mend a broken bone, or repair a disability that an Equus is born with- but it can save a life! The energy stimulates the natural healing of another Equus. It can restore lost blood, close wounds, and mend torn tendons and swollen muscles. Bones can be bound- but setting them is something they have to figure out on their own.

Environment ||
Sun Equus tend to have thin hair and burn up a lot of energy. They avoid the far north and south, living where the days are long and there is a lot of sunlight to take in. They tend to enjoy the deserts and open grasslands but they can sometimes be found in thin woods or in open valleys.

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The hunter of the Equus, Predators give balance to the Great One's creation.

Physical Attributes ||
Similar to the No Affinity Equus, Predators come in many sizes. Ranging from the size of an Bobcat to the strength and might of a tiger. Predators are covered in thick fur and from a distance can often be mistaken for Equus.

Magical Abilities ||
Predator spirits are not powerful enough to host any magical abilities. They can sense it, they can be effected by it, and they can study it- but they cannot channel or perform it.

Environment ||
Hand in hand with their variety of body shapes and sizes, the predators can live just about anywhere. What they lack in magical ability they prosper in physical diversity.

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Breeding Rules & Guidelines ||

Who can breed? ||
◘ Only a ♀ and a ♂ Equus couple can produce offspring.
◘ Equus do not need to be life-mated, but there will be a bonus for life-mates because foals will have a higher survival rate under the watchful eyes of their biological mother and father than with a single parent.
◘ Blood relations, to any degree, cannot breed.
◘ Non-consenting breeding situations are not permitted. This is just uncomfortable for the breeders and colorists.
◘ Surrogates are not permitted.
◘ Flings with "rogues" (Ie- NPC's) are not permitted. The Equus need to both exist.
◘ Dams who have given birth must wait until their current offspring are adults before breeding again.
◘ Sires can breed at any time- but some of them may get kicked in the head for it.

Breeding Info ||
◘ All newborns will live with their mother until weaned.
◘ All Equus mothers will have at least 2-3 babies.
◘ If the mother has 3+ rp's, she will get a bonus baby.
◘ If the father has 3+ rp's, he will sire a bonus baby.
◘ You can keep one baby per breeding.
◘ Customs may be offered for the full custom price- but this is up to the breeder.
◘ Breedings cost 1bil. You can pay it completely or both parents can split the bill.

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Acceptable Edits ||

xxx Mane & Tail* Edits:
We can style the hair and tail in a variety of ways. The complexity will determine the price of the custom, but we can do most everything. Some types of tails will be restricted to certain affinities for the sake of further enhancing their signature looks, but for the most part you can style them as you'd like.

xxx Expression edits:
Want a smile? A frown? Want them to look downtrodden or a little derpy? We can do that!

xxx Medieval Props:
Weapons, armor, saddles, harnesses, etc. that would fit into the Medieval time period and below are acceptable!

xxx Some Affinity Trait Alterations:
Do you want the feathers of your wind-affinity Equus' wings a little ruffled? Your Moon-Affinity Equus' membranes a little tattered? Why not? We're just asking that edits be reasonable. Custom affinity traits are going to be extremely, EXTREMELY rare, likely limited to special events.

xxx Cloaks, scarves, and other equine-appropriate garb.
We're limiting attire, but we didn't want to go cold turkey. Cloaks, scarves, wraps, etc. are fine.

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Unacceptable Edits ||

xxx Non-Equine traits outside of the affinity.
This includes lizard tails, paws, dog noses, bird legs, canine teeth, etc.

xxx Shirts and pants.
We're not going to be doing clothing in this shop's rebirth. Pants and shirts on horses...just don't look right. We're not comfortable trying to make it look natural and there's no in-canon explanation for it. Yes...there are pictures of horses in onesies but those were made by human hands and make the animals more than a little uncomfortable.

xxx Elemental effects.
No fire manes, whisps, magical swirls, sparkles hanging around in the air, etc. We're trying to bring the setting down to earth a bit.

xxx Combining affinities.
This may change in the future, but right now we're going to limit traits to their affinities and right now, we're not going to combine affinities. This is, more or less, because some of the edits would complicate the canon and make for a lot of alterations to the edit layering. So one feathered wing and one draconic wing won't be a thing.

xxx Fairy wings.
We know there was once a flutter race but this is a decision that the staff had to think long and hard on. There's no good explanation in the new canon and we don't want to step on the hooves of other shops- even if we pre-date them.

xxx "Skinwalkers".
Yes, we were here first, no we won't try to shadow shops that remained active while we went idle. We'll come up with something to play off of this eventually- but not now.

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Current Staff

Manager/Colorist: Little Yellow Jacket

Thread Managers:


New Templates: Thalion


♥ - Breeder
○ - Colorist Only
♪ - Can Edit

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Honorable Staff Members

These folks once owned or colored for this shop. While they no longer hold management positions or orchestrate policy, they are able to return as guest colorists for special events whenever they wish!

SilverPelt:Jinxeh:Keilyna:Tasah:Rapidashtrainer: ◘ Artsywolven ◘

Retired Staff

Former Staff Members.

Kireiryuu: Retired Owners list updater/staff
Shiranui: Retired Owners list updater!
Toushin: Retired colorist
Regan Wolf:Retired Rp manager
Naita: Breeder colorist

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Original artwork by: Winterfalcon

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White List
All the wonderful thread regulars!

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