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Liberal Genius

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This is the RP Thread

This is the OOC Thread

Do Mages Exist?

It is a hard question to answer, especially when you are a mage yourself. You live in a world where you are forced to cloud your magic from the unsuspecting public. It is a rule kept enforced by the main body of mages, Cipher, and their argument is simple: to keep away from anarchy.

You see, magic is both a force for creation and a force for destruction. Its secrets must be kept from the masses. If everyone was capable of such feats, it would throw the world into chaos. Or if a despot learned of such secrets, he or she would be able to establish an authoritarian regime and crush individuality and dissent.

Therefore magic must be regulated.

However, there is one problem.

The Pages of Hell...

...is simply one of its many names, which include: Tome of Niflheim, Naraka Zaastra, the Necronomicon, the Book of Hades, 地獄の大全 (Hell’s Encyclopedia), and other such names. For the sake of explanation we will call it The Pages of Hell.

But what is it?

It is a book that consists of all the secrets of our world and the otherworld. If a regular individual sets his or her eyes on its pages, it would send them into a coma that may last a few days or decades. However, if in the hands of an individual with a stronger heart and mind, then things would be different. Once finished reading the book, they would be capable of insurmountable feats. They would hold the power to create new worlds, or to destroy them, all with a snap of a finger or a simple thought.


To Cipher, both creation and destruction mustn’t be allowed. Either one would disrupt the current order. A new world would come at the cost of the current one. A destroyed world doesn’t sound very nice either. This is why they hold the Pages of Hell in tight security. Another job of theirs is to seek new mage recruits to join Cipher so that they aren’t lead astray into other groups.

Cipher's special police force regulates and takes care of otherworldly creatures who sneaked their way into our world and rogue mages. This is often done by tracking them down, capturing them, and incarcerating them.

Order must be kept.


Cue Genesis. It is a group of mages led by an enigmatic leader whom not many know of; not even members of Genesis themselves. They are normally a fairly decentralized group who report directly to both their leader and their fellow "Chosen Ones" via meetings at the abandoned church, or their High-Def video-streaming cellphones. Their derogatory name is "Genesite" as coined by Cipher.

They believe that The Pages of Hell can be used for good. This is why they wish to grab hold of the book in order to create a world of Peace, Love, Harmony, and Plenty. They wish to establish a New World Order with their leader as its benevolent ruler.


This is where otherworldly creatures dwell. Millenia ago, a group of mages locked away such creatures that roamed the Earth into Niflheim. Today, this group of mages is known as Cipher. However, the denizens of Niflheim tend to hold a general disdain for humanity, who they blame for driving them from the paradise that they called Gaia (the Earth) into the hellish landscapes of Niflheim.

The Setting

2020 AD, Veneficus City

Veneficus, known as V-City, V-Town, or “The Village” is your typical urban cosmopolitan megacity. Think of it as a mixture of Toronto, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. It is a waterfront city. As such, there are various different types of locales.

To top it off, it is a mage hotspot due to the fact that it is where Cipher’s headquarters are located.

So welcome to Veneficus, here’s a tour of the place!

arrow Cipher Headquarters: Known as Jonesberg Manor to the public, it located in the outskirts of Veneficus in the rural areas right outside the suburbs. The mansion itself consists of a dining hall and a lounge. The bulk of the HQ is located underground and is under tight security in protection of the book.
arrow Abandoned Church: Where members of Genesis gather to discuss their plans. Their leader doesn't attend; preferring to use satellite transmissions.
arrow City Hall
arrow Veneficus Center: The biggest mall in Venificus City.
arrow You may make up places that you want. IE: Restaurants, hotels, schools, abandoned warehouses, and etc. I'll add them to this list.

arrow Chinatown
arrow Veneficus Business District: Its where all the big corporations and where all the money's at, yo
arrow You can make up whatever areas you want biggrin I'll add them to this list.

Liberal Genius


"These rules are my rules, thou shalt have no rules before mine"

wahmbulance NO GODMODING! The battle system is not perfect, so don't abuse it.
wahmbulance No puppeting unless if you and the other agree to it in the OOC
wahmbulance Be literate. Write like you would for English class- but even better.
wahmbulance Write in third person
wahmbulance No one-liners. Put some work into it.
wahmbulance Come to me or any other designated GM if you want to sort out a problem. Send a PM for it.
wahmbulance Profiles go in this thread. This thread will act as the OOC and Character submission
wahmbulance Be fairly active, and post at least once in two days. If you can't, just PM me and we'll work something out ^^
wahmbulance Pictures of settings and some dramatic music are greatly encouraged.
wahmbulance No cybering.
wahmbulance Please be respectful outside of character. If your character is a jackass, then your character is a jackass, just don't bring the jackassery outside of character.
wahmbulance Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. You can not say "Oh, I didn't know"
wahmbulance Only use (()), [[]], or OOC: for OOC. Do not OOC too much in the RP, this is the OOC thread
wahmbulance Follow battle system rules if you opt to use it.
wahmbulance I have the right to add any more rules, so please keep watch for them every now and then


Jan 5, 2009: Removed specialty alignment from character skeleton and added "Light" and "Dark" as specialty elements.

Dec 21, 2012: World ends

Liberal Genius


Either PM me your characters, or post them in the OOC.

Forgive me if I get a bit picky with these. Far too often have I stumbled upon RPs in Barton Town where every character is an angsty teenage kid with dead parents. As such, I will demand originality. This isn't to say that your character can not be angsty, a teenager, or have dead parents. All I am saying is that look at the other characters already in the RP and try to be different than them.

Unless if you want to be another character's genetic clone, in which case that would add a substantial amount of drama and lulz.

Also, races that are not human must originate from the otherworld, (ie Niflheim)

So, since this city is pretty big, you are allowed to make up to 2 characters for now.

Another thing I want to tell RPers: this RP isn't super serious business. Let your characters be melodramatic, humorous, romantic, or whatever. Let the situations at hand be simply enjoyable dialogue between characters than an all out battle. I'm not forcing you to be diversified; if your character is serious, then let him or her be. If your character or crew is belligerent, let him beat up anything or anyone in his or her path. All I am saying is that if you want your characters and situations to be humorous, satirical, romantic, or something that is unconventional for sci-fi, let them.

And please, no Mary-Sues, unless of course they are implemented satirically, because dammit, I love satire.


To make things easier, rather than toiling, looking for a picture on google images, you may visit tektek.org and create a nifty avatar if you wish.

[imgleft]PICTURE: Do not make it larger than 300x300. You can resize it on photobucket or imageshack. If you don't know how to, I'll resize the image for you[/imgleft]
[size=9][b]Name:[/b] (name please)
[b]Weapon:[/b] (you don't have to have a weapon)
[b]Specialty Element:[/b] (Pick from Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Ice, Dark, Light) *note that dark doesn't necessarily mean bad and light doesn't necessarily mean good*
[b]Specialty Magic Attack[/b] (You have a plethora of magical abilities, but you gotta have one special attack. Give it a name and an explanation)
[list][*] [b]Name:[/b] explanation [/list]
[b]Personality:[/b] 4 to 5 sentence paragraph please.
[b]Strengths:[/b] (List 3)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (List 3)
[b]Appearance:[/b] 3 to 4 sentence paragraph please
[b]Theme Song:[/b] (If you want xD. You can make it a link to the song, or to its lyrics, or just the name and its artist)
[b]Personal Quote:[/b] (What they are most likely to say that sums up their entire character in a sentence, a phrase, or a word. It can be made up, or from someone famous, or even a stupid cliché)
[b]Other things:[/b] (write anything else you want people to know)[/size]

Character Example:

User Image
Name: Isvara
Organization: Cipher
Age: 34
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Cipher's Head of Mana Research
Weapon: None
Specialty Element: Fire
Specialty Alignment: Dark
Specialty Magic Attacks
  • Hellblaze: Sets fire his surrounding areas. 10 meter proximity from the user. A very dangerous technique used only when absolutely necessary.

Personality: Introverted. Intuitive. Always Thinking. Always Perceptive in all situations. In other words, he is an INTP according to the Jung Typology test. When interacting with people, he is often extremely sarcastic and tends to put down individuals who he deems stupid with his insults. Otherwise, you would find him alluding to politics and world affairs in regular conversations.

Also, he is totally Machiavellian, which means he has a tendency to deceive and manipulate others for either personal gain, his ideological interests, or for his group's gain, coming up with elaborate plans and psychologically manipulative strategies which would normally be deemed "dishonorable". (ie. Saying that you make amends with someone you hate only to fulfill your revenge by kicking him in the balls as you shake their hands). While doing so, he makes sure he doesn't lie; he simply refrains from telling the full truth and tends to purposefully integrate certain obscure logical fallacies and propaganda techniques into his talk whenever he is trying to make a point; making sure that no one picks it up and calls him on it.

However, his deceit and manipulation is never focused on his friends and folks he cares about, unless if he has to deceive them for their own good

Strengths: Being analytical. Planning. Being the go-to guy for ideas and solutions
Weaknesses: Incapable of feeling affection. People tend not to trust him. Physically weak.
Appearance: Isvara is around 6 feet tall with a skinny build and a long and slender facial structure. He has a brown skin complexion due to the fact that he is of South Asian descent. His hair is long and white though it isn't due to genetic reasons; he simply dyed it so. His hair is usually tied back in a ponytail in order to prevent it from getting in his face, which he finds to be an annoyance.
Theme Song: Arguru
Personal Quote: "I stopped listening right there. I do not care about your personal views."
Other things: He likes cheese

Liberal Genius

Accepted Characters

List of accepted characters will go here. I will also give brownie points to characters that I find original and/or interesting upon accepting your character. Also, as the RP progresses, I'll add more points to characters that are RP'd quite exceptionally. What purpose do points hold? That's for me to know and for you to find out ;D

You may start RPing once accepted.


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Name: Lord Dervin Struve
Organization: Cipher
Age: 88
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Leader of Cipher
Weapon: Crystal endowed Scythe
Specialty Element: All
Specialty Magic Attacks
  • Light Rejuvinate: Revive knocked out characters and characters that have died out fairly recently. They don't fully heal or revive; they would still need medical support or else they would end up in the same condition they were healed from. When used on himself, he can make himself more athletic and youthful (like in his glory days) so that he can fight properly, physically. However, the next day after use on himself, he goes back to being the old man he is.

  • Fire Rage: Sets a flaming aura around his body and pumps adrenaline though his veins. While he doesn't become a complete barbarian, this hinders his foresight and logical thought processes to a certain extent, his physical strength not only increases exponentially, but his flaming aura serves as both a burning-hot defense and offense.

  • Water Rainstorm: Used simply for tactical purposes. You can do a lot of things to the enemy and the environment if they are soaking wet. However, it negates the effects of rage. Good thing it does.

  • Lightning Lightning Strike: Controls the balance of proton:electron in the matter around him thus creating lightning...thunderstorm style lightning. Rainstorm exacerbates this attack.

  • Ice Freeze: Endows the blade of his scythe with the Ice Element. Therefore, nearly anything the blade touches freezes instantly (with the exception of fire; you can't freeze fire, only extinguish it). While casting rainstorm, Lord Struve used his Ice Scythe to splash water against the enemy. It may seem like child's play, but this water instantly freezes therefore they turn into sharp icicles.

  • Earth Quicksand Collapses the ground around him into quicksand; while it doesn't suck the enemy in outright, the sand can come up to their knees. This causes mobility problems for the enemy. Under a rainstorm, it turns into mud. So yeah, mud up to your knees.

  • Wind Gust: After utilizing his scythe as some sort of bat by swinging it, Lord Struve can send out a gust of wind towards the enemy. While normally all this does is push the enemy away, when a Rainstorm is underway and while his scythe is endowed with ice element, he can send a wind of icicle towards the enemy.

  • Dark Collapse: Creates a miniature black hole for a couple of seconds which begins to pull the enemy towards it. Time slows down for individuals near the black hole. However, this spell only lasts 30 seconds maximum due to the Hawking Radiation

Personality: Cool, calm, and collected; Lord Struve is rarely seen in anger outside of using his Rage spell. While he is completely devoid of being a charismatic leader, he does have good traits. For one, he is a great listener, understanding of other viewpoints, and always tries his best to be polite. Second of all, he is a great teacher, and tries his best to help his students whenever they need help. Lastly, he always tries his best to keep a smile, regardless of how faint it may be.

However, regardless of his open mind in seeing the viewpoints of others, he is adamantly driven by his own personal ideology. He sees himself and his organization as the sole defenders of the human race and the current order. While he sees that the current order has its grave pitfalls, such as poverty and genocide, he feels that magic is hardly the way to solve it as it would open up a new can of worms. This is why Cipher has its own Charity Wing, called The Solution Foundation, which does charitable and humanitarian world worldwide. Keyword: HUMANitarian. He holds a great fear of the creatures of Niflheim. While he isn't afraid to fight one, he is afraid of the notion that the seal would break and engulf the world in a sort of Hell. He views them as threats against humanity. This is why he is paranoid of such an idea, and calls for the extermination of this threat (along with Genesites) immediately.

Strengths: Multi-elemental, very proficient in magic, strong-willed
Weaknesses: Sympathy for the weak, old age, paranoid
Appearance: Lord Stuve is an elderly bald man who dons a white goatee and wrinkles around his face. Under his left eye he has a small tattoo consisting of a basic upside down triangle while on his forehead he has a another tattoo consisting of a horizontal line sectioned in half by a right side up triangular shape. He has markings all over his body of glyphs, ancient runes, Latin, Arabic text. Sanskrit, and Chinese characters. He walks around with a slight slouch due to his aching back and wears a multicoluored robe consisting of intricate designs that represent the elements

When rejuvenated he is around five feet and nine inches tall and fairly muscular. His wrinkles and various other markings of an old age disappear.

Theme Song: (If you want xD. You can make it a link to the song, or to its lyrics, or just the name and its artist)
Personal Quote: "I don't want to see things change for the worse."
Other things: He read 2 pages of The Pages of Hell before falling into a coma for four days when he was 28 years old. Also, he is a Brit and was actually given his title by Queen Elizabeth in 2007 for his humanitarian work.

Fen Spartz RP'd by Torubi. Points +12

Dr. Asura RP'd by AnarchoPhiliac

Jacques RP'd by Danic. Points +9

Aria Castelle RP'd by faerystrangeme. Points: +11

Alex Meriweather RP'd by Kuanoxaites Acanthos Points +13

Simon Gibbons RP'd by Master Strategist Kess Points +16

Subject 13 (aka “Dragoon) RP'd by Cyrus the Elder. Points +14


RP'd by EsgarBlackpoxs
Name: Sam Lengala
Organization: Genesis
Age: 55
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Founder of EFotMD*, and lead instructer
Weapon: none
Specialty Element: Water
Specialty Alignment: Light
Specialty Magic AttackOne inch punch: The one inch punch is a technique developed by Sam to be used in extreme CQC or when restrained (it doesn't actually need an inch of movement to be used, but he doesn't tell this to people). Using it, he is capable of causing extreme damage to whatever his finger hits by injecting an ultra high-pressure water jet into it from his finger.
Personality: Sam is hopelessly heroic, and always stops to help those whom he perceives to be in danger, and generally refuses to retreat from a fight under even the most dire of circumstances. He also has a habit of giving specific attacks over-the-top and cheesy names, and shouting them in battle. He tends to be loud, boisterous, and all around annoying to those he meets.
Strengths: Fast, Agile, Courageous
Weaknesses: Foolhardy, not very tough, afraid of women
Appearance: Sam stands at roughly 6'0", and with white hair and eyes of a deep blue. For a 55 year old man, he doesn't look too bad. He only looks 45. He is still fairly muscular, and takes great pride in his muscles. He likes to wear loose fitting clothes such as sweat pants and a sweatshirt with hood. The clothes he wears are usually white with yellow trim/accents.
Theme Song:
Personal Quote: "We are the Eternal fist of the Mystic Defender, foul creature, and you shall bow to our might!"
Other things:Head of the Eternal Fist of the Mystic Defender, and organization he founded to teach martial arts that used "Chakra" (mana in reality). He acts as the head instructer and leader of the small style. Members are always male, and tend to have heroic streaks running through them
Points: +12

Kit RP'd by Kitsuneshonen. Points +12

Arther McPeterson RP'd by Artinuous. Points +10

RP'd by Nines19
User Image
Name: David Calhein
Organization: Genesis
Age: 34
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Exterminator
Weapon: Generally his poleaxe, but he can use swords and guns and the like, as well as things like chairs, baseball bats, etc. He also owns a number of poison-bombs, smoke-bombs, and similar items of martial value.
Specialty Element: Wind
Specialty Magic Attack
  • "Howling Terror": Basically, it surrounds his enemy in a vortex of wind, blinding them with whatever dust was in the air or on the ground at the time. The wind gives an added benefit of being so loud that the target can't hear anything, either, making them pretty much completely vulnerable to attack.

Personality: David's a fairly easy-going guy, unless he gets annoyed or pissed off. He's used to not having much to rely on besides himself, so he's not one to have an abundance of greed for the opulent lifestyle. He can be vulgar and crude at times, but he knows when to act like he's a mature and responsible person (even if he really isn't). He doesn't get offended easily and is fairly well liked by the people who know him. Despite his outward behavior, he does have a high sense of honor, and holds fast to his own morals, even though they may be different than most other people's.
Strengths: Physical strength (though he's not some superman), acting ability, and bringing humor to nearly any situation (even if he's the only one that finds it funny).
Weaknesses: Belligerent just to get people riled up, seems foolish and immature to some when they find him acting like himself, can become extremely stoic when emotionally hurt or the situation calls for it.
Appearance: David is bald by choice, shaving his head religiously every morning he gets the chance to (and often getting annoyed when he doesn't). His natural hair color, when not shaved, is a reddish brown. He has blue eyes. David has no outstanding physical impairments and no scars to speak of, except slight marks on his hands and forearms. His arms are decorated with tattoos he did himself (he is ambidextrous). The symbols and markings in them hold personal meaning to him, and are probably visual records of what he sees as his life's story. He is slightly well-built; his upper arm strength, while not outstanding, is apparent by the larger-than-average size of his arms. He is not fat, though he does have a slight pudge of a gut, probably owed to his fondness for alcohol.
Theme Song: "Creeping Death" - Metallica.
Personal Quote: "You know, I never said I was a nice person. You made that assumption all on your own. It's not my fault you were wrong."
Other things: By "exterminator," I mean rat-catcher, effectively. Well, not just rats. Any pests people need to be rid of. (Which, I guess, makes him being a member of Genesis slightly ironic.)
And he's absolutely not based in any way off of David Draiman, my favorite singer. Nope. Nu-uh. Not at all. ninja

Points: +13

Evan O'Riley RP'd by AnCatDubh. Points +12

RP'd by Butterfly_Falling
User Image
Name: Morgan DeAngelo
Organization: Genesis
Age: 24
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Job: Investigation / Training New Genesis Recruits
Weapon: 8 foot bull whip, claw for right hand.
Specialty Element: Lightning.
Specialty Magic Attack
  • Lightning Reel: Using her whip as a catalyst for the lightning she controls, she combines both the physical damage of the whip and the extra force of lightning to do more damage.

Personality: Morgan is usually quite friendly, charming, and warm. However, she is known for nasty mood swings with things cont go the way she plans or if someone gets on her nerves. She is not too easily affected, it is simply that she has a few hot buttons that if pushed, cause her to go over the edge and get extremely angry and a bit fierce. Some call her wild and crazy, but her friends actually enjoy that fact. Morgan is set on her beliefs and will stand by them til the end. Some of the elders have called her a bit troublesome, yet strong willed and filled with an undeniable passion.
Strengths: Intuitive, Creative, Confidant.
Weaknesses: Headstrong, Easily annoyed, rather impatient.
Appearance: Morgan is 5'4, her hair is naturally red, but she shocked it with a few strips of white because she was bored. She is fair skinned and has soft smokey grey eyes. On her left shoulder she bears a black dragon tattoo with the initial C hidden in the curling tail.
Theme Song: Trouble - Pink
Personal Quote: Well-behaved women rarely make history.
Other things: She likes her cat Moo, enjoys wine, and smokes fragrant clove cigarettes.

Points: +8

Jackson Allivair RP'd by Inksword. Points + 9

Elliana Durman RP'd by Yarmi. Points +7


RP'd by Existential Erection
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Name: Luel Sarpa (Lou-L Ss-R-Pah)
Organization: Niflheim
Age: 77
Race: Naga
Gender: Male
Job: Survivalist
Weapon: Taurus Millennium PT145:

Ballistics Caliber: .45 ACP Capacity: 10 rounds Rifling: 6 grooves; RH twist

Dimensions Type: Sub-Compact Weight: 22.6 oz (641g) Length: 6.00" (152 mm) Barrel: 3.27" (83 mm)

Design Frame/Finishes: Satin black/blued, chrome slide, matte black frame Grips/Stock: Integrated molded polymer Safety: Manual striker block, self-engaging firing pin block Sights: Low profile three-white-dot system

Action- Double/Single action
Feed system- 10 round magazine
Specialty Element: Water
Specialty Alignment: Neutral
Specialty Magic Attack
  • Venom: Releasable by fangs in the mouth, and spitting by use of powerful venom gland muscles "spitting" out venom up to several yards in distance.

    Venom attacks mainly the nervous system, respiratory paralysis being quickly produced by bringing the venom into contact with the central nervous mechanism which controls respiration; the pain and local swelling which follow a bite are not usually severe making it difficult to detect the poison until it is too late.

Personality: Luel has something of a psychotismic personality, he can be quite literally be defined as "cold blooded." Being calculated, efficient, and effective has made him the ideal survivalist in the other world. His violent impulses and aggression compliment his sadistic hunting style against aggressors, a definite no-no in the enemy department for sure.
Strengths: Flexible physique - Superior Strength - High Pain Tolerance
Weaknesses: Emotional Beings - Short Temper - Selfless Kindness from others
Appearance: Luel wears an armored waist guard which is lined with finely woven Kevlar aramid, these two parts of the guard are both bullet and heat resistant. The guard is designed like a bulletproof vest of sorts, tested to stop a 9 mm 124 GR full metal jacket bullet (FMJ) at 1,400 ft/s (426 m/s) with minimal deformation and has a V-50 of roughly 1,525 ft/s (465 m/s). This means that the kinetic force has to be traveling faster than 1,525 ft/s for it to have more than a 50% chance of breaking through the armor panel.

Weight :16.4 pounds.

Along with a Jaw Plate consisting of the same material as the Armored Waist Guard, but molded to protect the Naga's entire jaw region, easily removable for when it is time for consumption.

Weight: 5 pounds. Besides these constantly worn pieces of equipment, Luel still does enjoy to dress his human body with lavish attire, wearing his hair loose or in intricate designs.
Theme Song: I feel evil creeping in- By Islands
Personal Quote: "I'll teach you how to dance with severed legs."
Other things: The journal contains more information on Luel.

Points: +16

Lady Aisling RP'd by faerystrangeme. Points: +14

User Image
Name: Jack Picks
Organization: Niflheim by origin default. Technicaly he is mostly interested in his own well being, as that of his kind. Not a big fan of humans for the obvious reasons, but also not a big fan of a lot of other "mythical" creatures... For the obvious reasons. Could be convinced (or forced) into giving his assistance to any of the divisions.
Age: Appears to be a young adult.
Race: His kind go by many names. Barrower, Little, Lepricaun, Brounie, Pixie, Abatwa, Sprite, Koropokkur... Basicaly he's very similar to a normal human, only on a much smaller scale. Jack himself, is roughly about 4 inches tall.
Gender: Male
Job: Fortune Seeker, Swordsman, and Hero, by his own words. He usually just comes off as the one who makes off with your loose change and favorite ring.
Weapon: He has a needle which serves as a rapier, his original blade having been broken by a past encounter. He also carries a lot of non-combatant tools. Most he had taken from human households. A thimble and a few paperclips to do lockpicking with, for example.
Specialty Element: Light
Specialty Magic Attack
  • Quickfoot: A controlable burst of adrenalin that heightens his senses and gives him the needed speed to skitter out of sight or harm's way. Can leave him exhausted and temporarily numb his senses if he overuses this ability.
    Flash: Generally self-explanatory. Lets off a quick burst of light akin to getting a picture taken. Doesn't cause physical harm, only stuns and startles the opponent.

Personality: Jack's loud mouthed for a little guy. He's quick to pick fights and take on challanges; rarely being phased by the size of the obsticals. He's also headstrong and stubborn, and doesn't mind standing on the soap box and giving people a peice of his mind. As you could guess, he's very emotional, and quick to set off. Even his body language is exaggerated, almost to the point of having the air of a performer. Though he has a tendancy to speak before he thinks, Jack isn't just some senseless brute. Jack's very crafty and creative, and has great problem solving skills, and usualy... sometimes... knows when to keep a zipped lip. He's a little naive to the human world, compared to races who live for many years, or to humans themselves, but has learned alot in the short time he's been in Gaia. Jack also has the misperception that the "HU" in "Human" is short for "Huge". This means he will often call a human a "Huge-man", and trying to reason different with him usually results in nothing but frustration. Infact, trying to reason anything with him is an uphill battle, for once something is stuck in his mind, it isn't leaving any time soon. This also pertains to goals, however, and that makes Jack a very persistant young man with a lot of achivements under his belt.
He's not all crude words and strubbron attitude, however. Jack also has a maternal and semi-chilveraus side. He gets upset seeing the weak abused and preyed upon, and will quickly move to try and protect them. It seems this doesn't seem to stop Jack from teasing and flirting with the fairer sex. And speaking of women, he's a little stuck on the more traditionalistic side of thinking when it comes to gender-responsibilities, considering things in Niflheim haven't quite progressed as much as in Gaia. This might be why he has a tendancy to use more out-dated terms when speaking, though nothing on the par of shakespearian. Instead of "Let me go!", he'd be more incline to say "Unhand me!", for example.
Artisticaly, he's not very proficent in much of anything. Jack's lack in many romantic skills dosent stop him from being a good bit of a romanticist. It also doesnt stop him from singing and telling stories.
Strengths: Is actually as good with a sword as he says, His persistance, His sneaking and problem solving skills.
Weaknesses: Children and Women, Money and other Luxuries, His miniature size.
Appearance: Well, I drew that picture myself, so I can vouch that it's accurate. So I'll take this as an oppertunity to explain colors.
Jack's hair is a multi-toned blonde, with a butter-like color close to the roots, and a more platinum color near the tips. His eyes are a very solid brown, on that border between "chocolate" and "mud". Jack's skin has a peachy rosetta to it, but isnt the generic pale that is sterotyped with the natural blush. Instead it's more of a toned color that I could best describe as the lighter colors in the spectrum of wood, only with a bit of a milky-ness to it. His headband is muted red. His shirt is green. His obi is actualy made from the wax-paper/tin-foil thing used for alot of treats, such as gum and chocolate bars. It's silver in luster. Jack's jewerly are all trinkets he have picked up while in Gaia. First is a real, gold ring, I feel sorry for the groom who "lost" it. Second is one of thoes small chains used for cheap necklaces and keychains, and is a dirty-sterling color. Third is a thick thread of a gold-broze hue, with the four beads strug on it all being red and semi-transparent. His pants are beige, and his boots are brown. The trim on his boots are red, however. His pack is also brown, and is what carries most of his tools. The laturn that hangs off it is one of the mementos from his home in Niflheim, and it's light source isn't fire, but a domesticated fire-fly that he keeps as a pet. It's name is technicaly Squirt, though Jack also uses alot of other affection-terms to address it.
Theme Song: N/A
Personal Quote: It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living. (You thought I was going to make a size joke here, didn't you? Well, ha! Fooled you!)

Points: +14

Nom RP'd by Danic. Points +14

He in Yellow RP'd by Clockwork_Creep. Point +15

Xanatos RP'd by EsgarBlackpoxs. Points +12


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Damn mages, they are bad for business!

Name: Richard White, codenamed Hasaki
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Organization: Unaffiliated. His loyalty is determined by money.
Job: Bodyguard
Speciality Element: N/A
Weapons: His katana, named "Earthworm" and his modified .45 Colt National Match named "Jim"

Strenghts: immunity to illusions. Custom made armor that adds resistance to projectiles and elemental magic. Science geek.
Weaknesses: Can't use or cast magic. Color blindness. Afraid of snakes or snake-like creatures.

Personality: A ladies' man, smooth talker guy. His suave talk can score high with girls, but grants him some male enemies. When working he has a "no-bullshit" attitude, making the job or objective his first absolute priority, disregarding casualities both neutral or friendly.
Loves to play chess and weight-lifting to unstress.
Appearence: 1,85 m and around 85kg. Blond with green/blueish eyes.

Theme song: As I am, by Dream Theater
Personal Quote: Damn mages

Points: +10

Ramirez Alexi IV RP'd by Cyrus the Elder. Points + 13

Liberal Genius

Optional Battle System

There are two ways you can fight each other if ever a time comes. The first way is simple, just RP out the fight as you normally would. Or you may choose this system.

However, if one of you begins to be an a** who either godmodes or powermods and neither of you concedes the battle either by running away, admitting stalemate, or one person losing, you will be expected to use the following battle system as a way of resolution. Why? I don't want to play judge, and would prefer to leave the life of a character to chance.

Battle System #1

You will use this battle system in the following cases:

arrow If you feel like it.
arrow Whenever I throw in random NPC Battles
arrow When someone godmodes or powermods or is a general a**.
arrow Whenever I say so.

How does it work?

Easy, follow the following steps:

1. Agree on the length of the battle. Choose a number. Your HP. In this case we will pick the number 500. Therefore you will both have 500 HP.

2. Agree on if its a: friendly duel, a fight til KO, or a fight to the death.

3. RP out your battle, writing out whichever attack you use against your enemy. However, you can't say that the attack hit the person.

4. Before you make your post, go to "Posting Action" and select "random number". Set the minimum to 1 and the maximum number to 100.

5. Whichever number that pops up from the random number is the "damage" done to your opponent. Your character does not have to take a hit, but eventually the random numbers accumulate. The first one who's random numbers reaches the number agreed upon, 500 in this case, loses. If it was a friendly duel, there is no knock out or death. If it is a fight til KO, then the loser is knocked out. If its a fight to the death, then the loser dies.

This means that not only you have to be careful in terms of godmoding, but you should make proper judgement in battle and know when to concede the fight.

View this thread to see how it works.

Liberal Genius


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Liberal Genius

Chapter 1

((We will go by chapters, with one thread serving as one chapter))

As members of Genesis learn that Cipher holds the Pages of Hell, they begin pursuing its members, hoping to get some answers about the book and its exact whereabouts. After a couple of bouts with one another, the two groups hold back in order to hold their own respective meetings.

Chapter 1 begins for Cipherions at their HQ's banquet hall. For the Genesites, at their Abandoned Church.
Fen Spartz reflected upon the past week, staring down into his glass of fruit juice as if to find some sort of solace therein. Times were trying, to say the least. Genesis was determined, he'd give them that. Fen encountered two of their agents only three days ago, and he was lucky enough to come away unscathed; it was just fortunate there was another Cipherion there. And what was this talk of the Niflheim?

Fen shook his head. He was almost despairing.

"How unbecoming..."

Look lively! he shouted internally. Resting his glass on the refreshments table, he moved towards the center of the hall, scanning the room for a familiar face. His dim green eyes moved from one person to another, along the long banquet table, steaming with the savoury smell of fine meat. He knew a few of the newly recruited mages; Fen had helped enlist a some of them, given his friendly nature and persuasive tongue.

Recognizing no one so far, Fen took his seat at the table. The banquet truly was an impressive sight to behold. Plates of pork, cradles of gravy, dishes of peas and corn, platters of cheese, bowls of... of?

"What is that?" he pondered to himself. It appeared to be mashed pumpkin, or swede, Fen was unsure which. He preferred to stick with something safe like...

"Turkey..." Fen breathed. Being so close to the food made him realize how hungry he was. His stomach craved the turkey so, and it felt the need to tell the room at large.

Fen blushed.

Liberal Genius

Dr. Asura was looking around the banquet hall hoping to find someone that he knew. He hadn't been at Cipher for nearly a year as he was cooped up on an ocean liner trying to look for Atlantis. After yeilding no results in his expedition, he was called in by the higher-ups at Cipher, who stated that the seal that locked away Niflheim from Earth for many millenia was eroding.

And then there was the group of clowns; Genesis.

The Doctor continued to look around the hall and didn't see anyone he recognized. Even worse, no one had recognized him yet, and that observation dealt a menacing blow towards his self esteem.

Well, I might as well eat something. Perhaps it isn't my self-esteem that is down as much as it is my stomach...

He walked towards the buffet and grabbed a plate. He began examining the food, wondering dish had more spices yet served as a fitting appetizer for his stomach. Walking down the row of food, Asura spotted a peculiar dish that looked like mashed pumpkin. He put it in his dish and then began looking for a table; perhaps he would sneak himself beside a beautiful lady mage.


Finally, Asura finally spotted his ol' buddy ol' pal, Fen, sitting alone at his table.

I guess the beautiful ladies will have to wait...

"Well well! Mr Spartz!" yelled the Doctor, "How are ya?!"

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Everything was dark.

His vision blurred or obscured, he could not tell, he felt wet all around him and the hum of something fierce near by which would suddenly be shut off and replaced by whispers. This isn't home... His powerful physique would propel him soundlessly through the stream he had apparently materialized in. Black eyes trained on where the soft whispers were coming from as his eyes began to refocus spotting a ridge which separated him and whatever else lied beyond it conjuring the whispering noises.

Snake like he would raise his upper frame up out of the water to make way for a serpentine bulk to shred up through the water and mud, he had made up his mind. To eliminate the source of this whispering. His jaw plate was off and tied to the waist guard he wore, which separated a human half from a serpentine half. His fangs were bared at an inhuman angle as he overcame the ridge, spotting a halo of lights far off in the distance. A city!?

Apparently he was "standing" nine feet above the ridge, overlooking the crappy modeled vehicle and couple who were attempting intimacy on the hood of the car. The shrill screams of an aware female would resonate as she tried to put together why a man from the waist up, was somehow levitating. However upon closer inspection, the male would notice the inhuman black shaded snake skin propelling the creature up into an arc over them both.


The creature prolonged his Ss, his raven hair draping down upon either side of his cranium to gently land upon both humans who were currently petrified upon the car hood. The rest of his snake length would currently swirve up the rest of the ridge to slowly encompass the small car.

"I am Luel Sarpa, a Naga."

Luel would utter, as if his current prey would even understand what a naga was, he only assumed. They both wore the look of fear, Luel observed them both, the male had his hands behind his back, the movement from his right shoulder socket obvious that he was trying to pull something out. Naga were not dim, with unprecedented force he would dive into the human male, piercing fangs finding their mark upon a loosely cotton covered shoulder socket, the force of the strike sending the man into a crater upon his car hood, knocking the female right off the vehicle and onto the wet grass below. Venom had been injected instantly, paralysis was what would happen next, Luel would just as quickly release himself from the man, rolling him over with a hand to see what it was this creature hid from him.

A gun? In the other world, these devices were not un-common. For this reason, Luel would keep this new toy, shoving it into his waist guard. The man had already stopped breathing, currently undergoing brain damage for his respiratory system had been completely shut off. He would be dead in seconds within his a** made crater grave upon his car.

By the time Luel regained interest in the female, she was already tumbling down the ridge, away from the light made protection of the city. She was now basically blind and bruised in the dark. The naga sighed, placing a palm upon his forehead in annoyance. He hated when they ran, especially when they yelled like a banshee in the process. Prey here wasn't much different from the prey back home it would seem.

His torso had hardly moved while the rest of his lengthy body traveled to veer in front of the silly female. His massive snake tail quickly wrapping about the ankles of his new toy, letting her fall face first into the muddy banks of the stream. His sight in the dark was superb, he saw her delicate frame in hues of reds and blues, heat signature.

"What city is that?"

The Cs were prolonged just like his Ss, he muttered this as he lifted a mud mouthed teenage girl by her ankles, her tendrils of hair flanking downwards by gravity, she was held upside down before the superior naga.

"Well? You were just screaming seconds ago, answer me..."

Yet all she could muster was a "V-v-v-v-t-t-o V-v-v-to" and with an eye roll and demeaning wave of his wrist/hand. He would sling her into an arc by use of his tail, letting her lively body go limp against a rock patch upon the ridge, her limbs and skull impacting with sickening force. She died instantly, the naga unraveled himself from her, letting her roll into the stream and away.

Off Luel went, towards this V...city?

Fen raised his head, his eyes darting over to a voice that belonged to-

"Ah, the good Doctor," announced Fen, rising smoothly from his seat. He pulled a chair from the table and gestured for Dr. Asura to take it. Usually he might not have done this for one of his acquaintances, but Fen knew this was a very accomplished man who deserved the proper respect. He certainly liked the Doctor, even had a lot of time for him, but he was all to aware of the difference between how he perceived himself and how the others perceived him. Fen wondered what wonderfully tall tale he'd hear tonight. He took his seat again and braced himself.

"So, Doctor, how are you this evening? Any idea why we're here?"

Liberal Genius

"I'm good; I'm good!" Dr. Asura smiled, "I'll assume that this meeting is about patting us all on the back, and then talking about things like Niflheim and 'Genesis'...you have heard of Genesis right?"

Asura knew the name Genesis, and their general raison d'etre. They are a bunch of vigilantes, who use their magic to do what they believe is just. Kind of like superheroes. However, Asura was skeptical. Particularly skeptical about the attacks on Cipherions coming back from investigating the Niflheim Seal a couple of days ago from an individual claiming to be from the group. Not to mention the fact that they must be being lead by someone. Someone who's interests and goals Cipher does not know of.
"I became very familiar with a few of them," said Fen, laughing uneasily.

They almost knocked my block off, too he added, mentally.

"They are a truly concerning lot..."

From his brief encounter with them, he had already gathered several things about the organization, Genesis. They would fight tooth and nail to achieve their goal and their attacks were planned and selective. Such design told Fen that they either had a group of elites at their head, or one very smart, very ambitious individual. Moreover, and this is what worried Fen the most, they believed they were justified in their actions. They believed they were doing the right thing.

"It was during an investigation, you know?" said Fen, realizing he had fallen silent and making an effort to be present. "I was on the team. Well, not in the advanced group; I was on look out. I hardly know anything about what we were looking for, and it wasn't long until you-know-who was after us."

Something occurred to Fen. He was talking to a Doctor who had studied (apparently) magic and such. Perhaps it was time to find out exactly what he specialized in.

"Doctor Asura... what can you tell me about the Niflheim?" he asked. And more importantly, the Niflheim Seal...

Liberal Genius

"Yes, Genesites are...very ambitious from the reports I have recieved on them," concured the Doctor, "This is why they are troubling group of individuals."

"'Niflheim?" this was Asura's moment to shine, "well, it depends on what you want to know! I've written many books on this subject; in fact you can find them all in the HQ Library. I hate to brag, but the higher ups called me here to specifically lecture everyone on the Niflheim Seal. Well, just for you I'll fill you on on what it is."

And so began Dr. Asura's...premature lecture.

"Around ten millenia ago, as I'm sure you know, we humans and other creatures co-existed. Now I wouldn't say 'peacefully'; we aren't so sure about that. However, it is known that we lived together sharing this planet. And we shared this planet with a variety of other beings, that were as sentient as us. You know; centaurs, nagas, elves, dark elves, goblins, dwarves, dragons and other such creatures that today we would deem 'mystical'"

He paused to take a breathe.

"Anyway, animosity existed between the different species that shared the earth. Why wouldn't it? They were our evolutionary rivals. This is when we humans discovered the secrets of mana and ultimately, magic. As time progressed, these early archaic mages realized the importance of humanity prevailing against its rivals once and for all if it were to flourish. Why wouldn't they? It is assumed that before learning the secrets of mana, us humans were weaklings in comparison towards the other races and hence is only makes sense that these other beings did not treat us on par with them."

He took another breathe.

"Essentially, using the magic we had learned, we started banishing these creatures to the netherworld, Niflheim, one by one. Anything capable of free thought yet wasn't human was sent there'. The seal that keeps them in the netherworld is called 'Niflheim's Seal'. I admit, in retrospect it is a terrible thing for us to have done, however, we can't fix the past now can we?"

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