Welcome to Gaia! ::


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      Liv dreamt about the fire, like always. It was all around her, the whole house up in flames, and she was in the middle of the blaze, alone.

      She flipped herself out of bed somehow, and the baseball bat she'd taken to sleeping with landed beside her. Liv scooped the bat up and leaned against the bed taking huge breaths, like the smoke from the dreams was still stuck in her lungs. Well, it was the scariest thing that ever happened to her. It was okay, it was normal. Probably the only normal thing about her.

      Looking up at her clock and registering that she'd slept in, Liv languidly stretched her arms over her head and scratched at a mosquito bite on her stomach before getting up and walking out her dorm without so much as brushing her hair or changing out of her rumpled dress from yesterday.

      Liv idly made a swiping gesture with her finger, drawing the lower swell of her breasts. She gave ******** all about crinkles or stains. Liv wasn't smart the way that girls were supposed to be — neat handwriting fervid planning like Anita. Liv wasn't dumb the way girls were supposed to be, either — simpering squealing lip-lubricating like Clover.

      Smiling, she twirled the bat in her hand and then dragged it along the wall as she made her way to the cafeteria.

      No, Liv was just plain ol' crazy.

      “Sorry I'm late.” She flashed a brief smirk and dropped the tip of her baseball bat with a thud on top the map Anita had just slid towards Clover and leaned her chin against the handle casually.

      “Hm?” Liv glanced down at the written agenda Anita had outlined with some curiosity and raised an eyebrow. Those were a lot of Espers in six months.

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xx xxmartelxx xx

xx xx█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

        Martel paused.

        Something in the atmosphere of the forest had changed.

        She raised her nose up in the air and sniffed.

        Almost immediately, she choked and pressed her hands to her face in horror.

        “I smell pollution!” She shrilled. Something definitely heinous was tainting the air of the forest. And it was her duty to go and investigate.

        Martel jumped to her feet and was about to dash away into the trees when the sight of Eli and his Avatar stopped her mid-step. Oh that's right. They had finished planting the seeds.

        “Thank you for your help.” She bowed, ignoring the fighting going on before her – her mind was more preoccupied with saving the environment – and reached down to grasp her hand softly against Eli's right shoulder. Like ink against paper, Martel's Seal formed upon his flesh. “I grant you my abilities Summoner Eli. Use them well.” She said solemnly before turning on her heel and throwing herself pass the foliage.

            User Image_______team sexy beasts.
            ____▬▬▬ jevin
            ______ avatar.
            _______________________________________________TIME ONLY CAN LEAD YOU ON STILL IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT.
            _________███ █████████████████████ ████████
            ________ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

                                            Jevin stared. Just stared.

                                            There had been several times in his life where he'd experienced, first-hand, Eli's little b***h-fits. Today seemed to be one of those moments of utter hilarity. Because there was really nothing more bizarrely funny than watching Eli trying to act all tough and ghetto.

                                            "Say that again, punk."

                                            “For Zeibel's sake Eli – “ Jevin began as the other boy shoved him against the chest with all his strength and Jevin barely budged an inch. “Take it down a notch, would yah – “ In hindsight, he should've known better than to insult Eli's shoes. The Summoner looked about ready to go into convulsions.

                                            Eli also proceeded to sprout out a bunch of other nonsensical threats that Jevin couldn't quite follow what was going through his friend's head. Then again – could anyone?

                                            "These shoes cost me more than your entire collection of third-rate, shitty star-censored bootleg porn DVDs, okay – b***h.”

                                            Oh no he didn't.

                                            Jevin's jaw dropped, and his face went completely red. “You promised never to mention that!” Eli had just broken their brotherly oath. No self-respecting male ever broke the brotherly oath. It was unheard of, no matter what the circumstances.

                                            "Also those sunglasses make your face look fat and the gum you're chewing just makes it look like you're a try-hard. A TRY-HARD, BRAH. Plus, you never share either. ******** HATE YOU. FOR LIFE!"

                                            That's it. s**t was going down.

                                            Jevin threw down his watering can and tackled the other boy.

                                            The scene that followed looked more like something out of a kindergarten class scuffle than the behavior of two young adults. There wasn't even any sort of real offensive movements involved, Jevin basically shoved and hit Eli open palmed while yelling insults. It really was ridiculous. If they hadn't been so aggravated at each other for a mounting number of reasons, they probably would have cracked up.

                                            "I was planning on being nice today on account of your darling Team Ad Astra not being at the graduation ball and you looking like you were going to slit your ******** wrists in the bathroom stall since everyone knows you're so hard-up for Xerin!" Jevin growled, pulling at Eli's hair like a girl, sunglasses askew: "But Sir Xerin's a logical guy, if he's going to ruin his entire goddamn career it ought to be for the hottest, brightest, tightest piece of a** in the academy. Meaning, not you – ”

                                            So preoccupied with choking Eli with his scarf, Jevin barely noticed Martel skipping over and placing a hand on Eli's shoulder before gallivanting off again.


REM ! !

Once, I watched two birds doing it.

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      "Rem, babe, aren't you cold?"

      Rem glanced unabashedly down at her nipples.

      “Yeah I am getting kind of cold. As you can probably tell.”

      Rem turned back to Aries, meaning to ask the older girl to pass her her clothes which Rem had stashed with grenades in the pockets of her shorts. Pretty explosions were starting to sound like a better and better option as the seconds ticked by. Even better now that Aries had also offered free drinks for a year.

      Her request was interrupted when something hard and fleshy brushed against her thigh.

      “Frick!” Rem jumped at the sensation. “Dante is that your p***s touching me?!”

      She whirled her head around, but saw that Dante was a little ways away, currently emptying his wet pockets of items to dry on the ground.

      What the hell...

      Rem glanced down into the water but it was too dark to tell what had touched her. And then –

      “SAJHFKL!!!” Rem screamed, as a hand wrapped around her ankle and tried to drag her underneath the water. “I'M DROWNING! I'M DROWNING!” She flailed and kicked and sputtered; hands tightening against the vines in a death grip.

      The hand around her ankle eventually lifted and with a loud splash, a mermaid's head popped out and bobbed above the water's surface.
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xxxxxxxnarikixxxxxx &&xxxxxaseliaxx xx

xx xx█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

        Nariki brushed away her wet bangs and grinned.

        "Aseliaaa!" Nariki called, ducking her head back into the water to call out to her sister. "Aselia come look! We have new playthings!"

        Giggling, Nariki resurfaced and a few seconds later, a second mermaid joined her.

        "Oh my. Aselia spoke, smiling in amusement at their visitors. "This looks like fun.

        Nariki floated on to her back and began to do lazy backstrokes around the spring, her ruby and silver scaled tail glistening in the sun.

        "I wonder what we should make them do?" She teased, eyeing the trio with interest.

        "I guess the real qustion is..." Aselia began, also swimming playfully on her back.

        "...How far are they willing to go..." Nariki continued, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.

        "...to gain a pact..."

        "With us!" Nariki finished with glee.

        In unison, the two mermaids joined hands and turned their heads towards Team Epic, an expectant look waiting on their faces. All at once, the water in the spring began to swirl and form a large tidal wave that crashed down on Dante, Aries and Rem.

Familiar Poster

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_____________________ CLOVERARBUTUS
__________________________ROMANTIC & SUMMONER OF TEAM ???

                                  —————————————————————————————— ——__ ♥ ✼ ♥ ✼

                                  A loud thud brought Clover back to Earth and she looked up to see Anita at her side, sliding a piece of paper on top of her notebook. Brown eyes trailed the paper, which appeared to be a map, and then shot back up when the blonde spoke. Clover answered with a simple nod and then stared at the map for awhile before looking back at Anita with her eyes shining with amazement.

                                  "Wow Anita, this is great!" She praised, feeling relieved that someone actually prepared something under that amazed expression. Her small hands moved the map to the side to reveal her notebook, "You planned way more than I did.." She stared sheepishly at her notes and gave Anita a lopsided grin.

                                  The newly graduated summoner was beginning to feel excited; now that there was some sort of agenda to follow, one that she didn't have to stress over about wondering if it was good enough to follow, she could let those jittery sensations free without having that worry in the pit of her stomach ruin it later on. For that, she thanked the blonde avatar and began looking over the strategies the older woman thought up of.

                                  Just then, a bat pounded onto the table and blocked Clover's view of the map as said blunt object landed right on top of it.

                                  "Liv! It's okay, glad you're finally here." She smiled genuinely and noted the curious look on her other teammate. Clover took the corner of the map between her fingers, hinting to Livadia to move her bat and began to explain.

                                  "Anita made this awesome map for us for our journey! Isn't she great?" She praised again, still so happy about Anita's preparation.

                                  "It does seem like a lot of espers to search for but you know what? I think we can do it!" The summoner looked at her two avatars and gave them a bright grin. Sure, she didn't really know how much skills and powers the two woman possessed but Clover, from the bottom of her heart, really did believe they could do it. That's why she chose them after all.

                                  Now that both her teammates were finally present, and they had a plan to follow, Clover excitedly stood up and gathered her pen and notebook. She threw it in her rucksack and tossed the strap over her shoulders.

                                  "All right! Now that we're all here, shall we get going? We could start off with Aselia and Nariki for Anita, since they're nearby and all" She proposed, pointing a finger on the outline of Corobbokle Forest on the map. Ah - But before they could officially start their journey together, they had to make one team decision first.

                                  "Oh right! I haven't really thought up of a team name yet so... I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions?"

                                  The young girl looked at the blondes and scratched the side of her cheek, embarrassed.


Big Duck

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I AM A SEXY BEAST!
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x xUser Image
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x HEY, HEYLOOK x x x x IT`S ELI. !
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xMOOD ( EXTREMELY NONPLUSSED )x x x x x

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xTRUST YOUR FEELINGSx x x x x x xGOTTA LIVE AND LEARN

                                            [******** you, my a** is ******** fabulous!"

                                            Eli took another swing, missed and, instead, unhinged Jevin's glasses - knocking the neon shades askew. "You wish you could get at this!".

                                            The awkwardness of his statements and their compromising positions went completely unnoticed. Or, if Eli had picked up, he didn't mention it. But, then again, being half-strangled to death tends to dash away other not-so-important thoughts.

                                            Choking and gagging for air, the brunette barely registered the tree-spirit's presence (not to mention, he wasn't even aware of the pact being formed). He also didn't seem to know that she had left - hurrying off to some "more important matter" rather than saving his sorry (but hot and tight) a**.

                                            The scuffle continued for a bit longer with the two rolling around, exchanging punches, and, when time permitted, yelling meaner and meaner insults. Although, in Eli's case the insults had degenerated to a state of nonsensical words. In fact, some of it wasn't even words, but loud yelling.

                                            "I'll" - grunt - "crush your" - ow - "lopsided-alien-egg-head!"

                                            Finally managing to disentangle himself from the stronger and bigger boy (a task that really shouldn't been so difficult), Eli quickly scrambled to his feet, chest heaving from mild exhaustion. Even though Eli played a lot of different sports, he never officially joined any school teams, and, therefore, never went through intense conditioning. Ultimately, Eli, unlike Jevin, simply wasn't as fit or made for such things.

                                            He's a delicate boy, okay?

                                            "I hate you. I'm going to steal all you gum and sell all your pornos!!!!"

                                            And, with that, Eli was racing towards the school... or, well, where he thought the school was.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your promises, they look like lies.
┏━━━━ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                        Question ignored. Not only that, the brown haired boy she'd been talking to originally seemed to be raging
                        unnecessarily (by her standards). Nadia briefly wondered when he'd rip his shirt off, turn green and grow
                        nasty man muscles that guys seemed to be so proud of. She really couldn't grasp why they were so
                        proud of looking like bulbous monsters. It was definitely not hot or attractive. Luckily, the boy only
                        seemed to turn red in the face. There wasn't even a hint of green on his skin. Still, even when the
                        angry-man-whisperer, Fleur, apologized for the three of them he still had to take deep breaths to keep
                        himself calm. Nadia pinched the bridge of her nose briefly. This stranger seriously needed some anger
                        management. After a short moment, the girl realized it wasn't her problem. He wasn't someone she
                        would have to deal with being on her team so there was no reason to get too fired up about it. That
                        is, until the guy had the gall to spit at Team Winning. Her eyes immediately widened and went to
                        the spot that she guessed the wad of saliva had landed. "Excuse me?!" The avatar exclaimed in
                        a strange whisper, almost stunned into silence by the idiot's action. Who actually spat at someone?!
                        Nadia felt her own anger begin to boil to the surface. Her eyes shot back up to the spot where the other
                        team had been but they were no longer in sight. Nadia let out an exasperated sigh.

                        "Let's get back in Mona's ShitUV or walk to the mermaids." The experienced avatar offered,
                        crossing her arms to keep herself from clenching fists. The only 'saving grace' she had to think about
                        was the fact that Mona wouldn't be driving. Nadia almost wished she would so that she could mow
                        that other punk a** team down but with all the trees around, she decided against it. "Come on."
                        The nineteen year old urged impatiently, walking back to the SUV herself. She really wished that the
                        tournament would come sooner.

                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ━━━━┛
Shut up and Listen.

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                                                      Seriously? Mona had expected someone to something about the whole car thing, but this s**t was just plain hilarious. ‘Jamoka head’? What else was in his repertoire? Smelly butt-face? How very offensive.

                                                      She wanted so badly to put on a creepy face, and go into the messy details of how Team Winning would’ve just disposed of the bodies if they had run over them, and then, just for a personal kick to the groin, make some comment about how no one would miss them. And she would’ve too, if she hadn’t been cracking up so hard. Oh well. Laughing in his face was a pretty good comeback, too.

                                                      But that wasn’t the end of it. Oh no.

                                                      Suddenly Blue-hair started freaking out like a hippy on a bad trip. And not even becase he had nearly been flattened by a two-ton SUV. Nope, it was because of his teammate’s hair.

                                                      The team was like one big circus act, and by the end of it, Mona was close to passing out. And really, the icing on the cake was that these people actually thought they could win the tournament. What a joke.

                                                      By the time the other team began to split, Mona had mostly recovered from her laughing fit. Enough to properly respond to being spat at. “Keep you mucus to yourself, f** bag. SAYONARA, a** CLOWN!” Yeah, that would show him.

                                                      Now onto the mertwins. “Let’s go! We’re walking Nadia- we have to keep fit for the tournament, after all. Oh, and if we ever fight those guys in the tournament, slice that one guy’s throat with your sword.”

                                                      And away they go.

Big Duck

                          x x x x x User Image

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x BACK SEAT x x : x x D.KEHNTIMENTIU
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xBUT, UH, IT'S KINDA BEEN FOREVER SINCE I BEEN IN
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xTHE KIND OF SITUATION NOT INVOLVING OTHER WOMEN
                          x x x x x x x x x x ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xi`ll let you whip me if i misbehave

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x AVATAR x x x ¦ x x x MOOD : TIRED

                                                        "Beyond destroyed."

                                                        Tossing the phone away, Dante pulled himself out of the water. "How are you gonna make this up to me?" Grinning devilishly at the blond, Dante shrugged out of his coat, frowning when he realized what he wore underneath.

                                                        For the record, white shirts - especially dress shirts - were not meant to be wet. They also shouldn't be worn when cold. "Hmm..." But before he had a chance to comment about "hard nipples" and other "hard" things, a tidal wave interrupted. Yes, a tidal wave.

                                                        Noticing the growing shadows on the floor (which arced and curved), Dante instinctively raced over to Aries, grabbed her by the waist, and sucked in a deep breath. He didn't need to turn around to know what was about to happen next.

                                                        Swept into the current and dragged back into the lake, Dante's mind ran a million thoughts a second. He didn't know where Rem had disappeared off to and he didn't know if Aries could swim. He thought about drowning to death and the twins - the damned twins. He thought about everything underneath the skies in those few seconds before the habit of experience kicked in.

                                                        With his arm still around his teammate's waist, he kicked with his legs - propelling them forward as quickly as he could. They surfaced for less than a second, but it was long enough to steal another breath. Submerged once more, the avatar, refusing to let go of Aries - now was not the time to be worried about where his hands were or weren't - he pulled her back, swimming towards what he thought would be calmer waters.

                                                        They had to get out of the lake soon - now. They also had to find Rem - wherever she was. There was just no way in hell Dante was going to let his summoner die in less than twenty-four hours of their journey.

                                                        Plus, could you imagine the mental pain he'd have to suffer from Kanta if she died?

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXCCCXXXXXXxxXxxxxxxxx▉▉▉▉▉ ARIESARIES —-

___________________________________________________ ﹙i'ma sip until i feel it, i'ma smoke it 'till it's done﹚
___________________________________________________ ﹙i don't really give a ********, my excuse is that i'm young﹚
___________________________________________________________ THIS IS A CELEBRATION, BITCHES— MAZEL TOV!
______________________________________________________________________________________________AND I'M ONLY GETTING OLDER, SO SOMEONE SHOULD'A TOLD YA'
______________________________________________________________________________________________I'M ON ONE, YEAH, ******** IT, I'M ON ONE, YEAH, I SAID I'M ON ONE
______________________________________________________________________________________________WE COULD ALL HAVE SOME FUN, BELIEVE ME, 'CAUSE I'M ON ONE

              "Oh, s**t," Aries said, watching Dante's short and quick descent towards the bottom of the lake. If she'd killed him—

              "Hey, Rem, it's just us girls now, you know, alone. Scantily-clothed, naked. In a— oh, hi, Dante."

              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx —-

              "You---! ********, my phone was on my person!" Dante said, and Aries winced.

              [********] she repeated. Then, lolling her head apologetically, she said, "I'll get you a phone later, a'ight? Just buy me drinks for a couple of weeks to make up for my generosity. Or just to get me drunk," she added, even though Dante knew her well enough that he knew that she'd put out shamelessly without any form of tipsiness anyway.

              Aries pulled out her own phone, then, and took a blurry but nevertheless effective picture of Rem, naked in the water, with Dante leering and swimming up to her.

              She sent it to Kanta with a heart.

              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx —-

              "I guess the real question is, how far are they willing to go to form a pact with us?" the twins asked, making it sound more like a tease than a question. Aries had precisely three seconds to be instantly reminded of the Girls Gone Wild video she'd been in six summers ago before Dante's arm was around her waist and she swallowed a mouthful of spring water.

              "Jesus ********] she gasped, wrapping her own arms around Dante's hips. She could swim, but not well, and— "You said mermaids were easy! You said mermaids were easy!" she accused, craning her head to look for Rem. [********— why didn't we just go for Martel?! Pick up some garbage, exchange some earth-friendly hugs—" —she swallowed another gulp of water— "Rem! Rem! Remember those explosives you were talking about?! Go, Diego, go!"


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      "It does seem like a lot of espers to search for but you know what? I think we can do it!"

      After bearing witness to Clover's heartfelt little statement, Lv gradually began to clap slowly. She momentarily appeared alone with her decision, that was, until another person also rose to their feet and joined in on the clapping. Three more audience members follow suit. Then twelve more, then fifty, then a hundred, then a thousand. Before you know it, just about everyone in the cafeteria was on their feet, clapping and cheering.

      Just kidding.

      Liv brought her hands up and clapped slowly. When she realized that no one else was joining in she stopped and scratched her nose. “...What? No Slow Clap? ..Fine." She shrugged and started blurting out whatever team name suggestions first came to mind.

      “Team Badass.” Liv began, dragging her gaze away from the ceiling. Or.. “...Team We Will ******** You Up.” She chuckled sinisterly and did a few practice swings with her bat, nearly knocking out a passing student behind her. Other people walking past their table started to give Liv a wide berth.

      "...Team Ball Busters." She also added, left hip jutting to the side as she hit the bat against her palm in an imposing gesture.

      To be honest, whatever they were going to be called as, she was OK with. In the grand scheme of things, team names ranked low on her list of priorities. Not that she had many to begin with in the first place.

REM ! !

Once, I watched two birds doing it.

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      Rem clung to the side of the spring like a lifeline as torrents of water crushed against her and she lost her grip.

      'I am going to die.' She stupidly thought to herself as she was pushed under the water by the tidal wave. 'I am going to die a naked, watery death.'.

      She briefly resurfaced, gasping, and spitting out inhaled water. “Belly-button!” Rem croaked to no one in particular, because if she was going to die, she would want belly-button to be her last word.

      "Rem! Rem! Remember those explosives you were talking about?! Go, Diego, go!"

      “OK!” Rem screamed in the general direction of where she heard Aries' voice and then paused. “...Who the hell is Diego?”

      She did her best at dog-paddling, although it was more like karate-chopping every single direction as if she was surrounded by bullies – her current nemesis being the water… it surrounded her, smothered her, and she was pretty sure it laughed at her at one point or another. But as Rem neared closer back to the edge of the spring however, she saw that all her belongings had been swept away with the tidal wave. Including her orange rescue pack that had the bulk of her bombs and explosives stored in it.

      Rem groaned, head whipping back and forth, searching frantically around for her things. The wave could have either washed it away deeper into the woods or dragged it to the bottom of the spring. She would later describe the incident as life giving her the finger.

      Forgoeing her explosives for now, Rem threw her arms over a floating piece of log to help keep herself adrift and spotted her team-mates also bobbing along in the water, further into the lake. Using every last ounce of strength she had left, Rem propelled herself towards them. “Think fast!” She yelled at Dante, still holding onto her makeshift flotation device while her legs kicked rapidly underneath her.

      “Release!” Rem's forehead connected against Dante's forehead in an improtou headbutt. “Cactaur!” There was a brief moment where energy surged through her into Dante – their muscles tensing in a sure sign the magic was sinking in. It was a strange feeling.. the prickle sensation of his skin under hers, the tremor in her forehead as the energy spread from her body to his.... None of this lasted longer than two seconds though – Rem had always been a fast Summoner.

      Rubbing her slightly sore forehead, it was only then that Rem spotted her orange backpack in the hands of one of the mermaids.

      “Hey! Give that back!”

      What proceeded next was a twisted version of Monkey In The Middle. Aselia and Nariki were having the time of their lives tossing her backpack back and forth to each other while Rem attempted to intercept it. Exhausted and panting heavily, Rem's movements were notably sluggish and clumsy compared to the nimblness of the mermaid Espers. The more she kept chasing the mermaids, the less energy she had to maintain Cactaur's powers on the field. Once in awhile, the strap of her backpack would dip precariously into the water and Rem would freak-out and her tormentors would giggle and continue passing it between them.

      Rem would later describe that as life b***h slapping her.

Big Duck

                          x x x x x User Image

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x BACK SEAT x x : x x D.KEHNTIMENTIU
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xBUT, UH, IT'S KINDA BEEN FOREVER SINCE I BEEN IN
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xTHE KIND OF SITUATION NOT INVOLVING OTHER WOMEN
                          x x x x x x x x x x ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xi`ll let you whip me if i misbehave

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x AVATAR x x x ¦ x x x MOOD : ADRENALINE RUSH

                                                        "We need to get back onto ground," Dante mumbled - partly to Aries, but mostly to himself. Although, honestly, the only one who needed to be told this was, probably, their rookie summoner. "Aries, we---"

                                                        Unfortunately, whatever plan he was about to share was promptly interrupted by Rem attempting to kill Dante. And, let it be known, she almost did to.

                                                        Pain gathered in his forehead while stars danced in his vision. He wasn't sure exactly what was happening (or why his summoner had attacked him), but his body felt lighter and a type of fire seemed to burn through his veins. This feeling took only a nanosecond to recognize. But the sensation of drowning took even less than that.

                                                        Forcing his eyes opened (when had they closed!?), the avatar gritted his teeth, and launched himself back above the surface. His lungs ached from the water and his eyes burned from it. This was supposed to be a low-level capture, why the hell was he suffering so much for it...??

                                                        "Hey, what the hell were you trying to pull back there?" He shouted, but Rem, preoccupied with her chase, didn't seem to notice. Or, if she did, didn't seem to care. Either way, it pissed Dante off.

                                                        But, right now, he had something else he needed to take care of: those blasted twins. He'll worry about Rem and her tactics later - when they were safely ashore and he had the ground underneath his feet.

                                                        Taking a deep breath (the waters had settled somewhat), the avatar focused his energy to the palm of his hands, letting it build at the center. It pulsed and the tingle brought a smile to his face. No matter what people might say, the power of a summon always brought excitement. It always - without fail - made his body itch for combat. Maybe this was why he was suited for this role and not the place of a summoner. Maybe. Who knows. In any case, none of that is really important because, at this moment, he was going to show those around him what he was made of:


                                                        "Here we go."

                                                        But the big entrance he had been hoping for vanished somewhere between the charge and the release. What ended up being produced was a few stray needles - none landing near where they needed to be. Talk about anti-climatic.

                                                        "What the..." The energy ebbed from his body and the warmth it brought slowly decreased, retreating further and further to his core. "Rem! What are you doing?! Focus on your summon! Aries - do something!"

                                                        The last bit was Dante's way of saying: Help the girl. She's losing it.

                                                        He would have fought first, but, in water, his method of combat was worthless. All he could hope for was that Aries still had access to her guns.

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xxxxxxxnarikixxxxxx &&xxxxxaseliaxx xx

xx xx█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

        Aselia and Nariki's domain was the water. Which meant they had the clear upperhand aginst their new "playthings."

        "Come get it!" Nariki laughed, waving the orange backpack over her head with glee. The pink haired girl attempted to flounder closer, only for Nariki to throw the backpack over to Aselia instead.

        "Over here!" Aselia teased, swinging the backpack like a lasso.

        The pair were having so much fun playing with the pink haired girl that they almost forgot about the other people still in the water with them.

        "Rem! What are you doing?! Focus on your summon! Aries - do something!"

        "Goodness his voice is loud." Aselia remarked after tossing the backpack to Nariki once more.

        "I can fix that!" Nariki volunteered brightly and waved one hand towards the male while casting Silence to completely remove his voice. The grin on her face briefly faltered as the pink haired girl managed to latch on to the backpack still in Nariki's grasp while she had been momentarily preoccupied. A small tug of war insued.

        In a flash, Aselia was also there. Both mermaids twisted themselves effortlessly in the water and used their fins to slap Rem at the same time with enough force to propel the human girl several feet away.

        "They sure are a funny bunch." Aselia huffed, running a hand through her hair.

        "I know, you'd think they'd want to play with us more." Nariki pouted.

        The two mermaids slowly began to circle around the remaining humans left in the water with a predator gleam in their eyes. Nariki went clockwise, while Aselia swam counter-clockwise.

        "Come play with us." Aselia called out, playfully splashing a little water at the silent male and the blonde female. Dissolving into a fit of giggles, Nariki started splashing the human couple too.

        "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

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