Welcome to Gaia! :: Wasabi Katana | Virtual Item Detail


Wasabi KatanaWasabi Katana

Description: Cultivated in the gardens of the Gods, tinted in green and sheathed in black.
This blessed weapon was seen as a joke to the eyes of samurai and swordsman alike.
Until they realized it's potential once it was unleashed.
Only in the hands of those who are delicate but deadly, just like the wasabi root itself, will know the true potential of this sacred and rare blade.
Do you have what it takes to release that potential?

Let's Find Out.

This katana would not have been possible without the support from Shaun and Ana. You guys are amazing!

Good Luck

Price: This item has no specific price

Store: Not currently available

Gender: Any

Date first appeared on Gaia: 2016-02-24


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