Name: JoshAge:20
Location: Minnesota
Birthdate: June 23
Word of the week: None
Likes: Coffee, tea, music,horror movies, zombies, gore, wasting time, drawing, blowing up things in my back yard, comic books/ manga,8-bit games and music, and food :]
Dislikes: some country music, tomatoes,and onions.
Wishlist: Friends
Quote: "The greatest thing you will ever learn, is to just love and be loved in return. "COTR.
Religion: I believe in God what else do you want?
Relationship status: Taken. Sorry ladies she has what i need. wink
Want to learn more? Hit that witchetdanger that reads "Pm me"
That is all.
Xbox live?
Gamer Tag: Digital ReJ3ct
Depends on the game.
Playstation Network?
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ow o Whoops~ You know
Woah o - o
I got bored and started going through my comments from super long ago... o - o
I found you commented on my profile o - o So weird.. Just though you wanted to know o u o
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