It takes a lot of practice. But I think art is something anyone can learn. All it is mostly is drawing from real life and drawing a lot of it, and being patient about it.
oh so you've done the hold them till you find permanent homes thing but not these two...
yeah this is a fairly new comp, so i have no pics of my babes on it...but Nasheeta is the mare...and shes at least 6 or so...i know i got her in '04 and i think she was one or 2...and leo(barn name) aka abbas al jabah...hes a little nut...hes coming up on his first bday this year...
and desert hawk is the gelding he had a terrible stomach ulcer and he was so depressed...but my aunt nursed him to health...and yeah...they have this crazy special connection...and both of mine recognize and respond to my voice more that other i feel like i have a good connection with them
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