G e n e s i s G a r c i a; ♥Fifteen. Sophmoree. NEVER
really qo on heere. Talkk to Me. I DONT Bitee ,(:

its my thaaannq, to be funn& differentt ,(:
really qo on heere. Talkk to Me. I DONT Bitee ,(:

its my thaaannq, to be funn& differentt ,(:
View All Comments
How do iFix my Codees to be likee that Punk>:p
iGotta windsecurity Blankiee<3
the flapjack ones?
Did you see me profile!
I'm like Expert at CSS>_<
iheard yurr PhoneCharger got chewed upp!
I texted you likee 5times[x
Munchkin says<3:
Forget what that says below gurlllllfran,
I'mtalkinn' VVVV
Now you talkk.
yourr loss;]
Meet me and my friends by:
5Barton 001081
by the little place where you get snowballs
Total Value: 1,042,263 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Devil Imp Plushie
Angel Imp Plushie
Gothic Veil
Grunny Slippers
Elemental Wings
Elemental Wings
Black Glamrock Belt
Autumn Glory
#000000 Complex Band
Lex's Dark Shorts
Violet And Purple Reversible Hair Pins
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Oculus Magica
Trick or Treat Tote 5th Gen.
Sweetheart Gold Pendant
Labu Necklace
Heart Eye Patch
Pandy Pack
Sour Patch Kids Angel and Devil Buddies
Raider Shih's Garment
Raider Shih's Garment
Purple Pinstripe Vest
click to see this tektek page!!!
hope ya like!!!
i kinda based it around your wishlist and made it innocent but deadly type thing wink