I am twenty-one years old and was born in mid-February. In my opinion it is the worst month to attempt to have a birthday in; there is no snow, but neither is it warm and green. You get a slimy mix of water and dirt, which, predictably, makes mud every year. Despite this, I still manage to enjoy a night with friends and family, make a fool of myself, and have a grand time all together.
My realization as a writer:
I would never be satisfied with my life unless I somehow visibly impacted the lives of many, in a positive way. It is strange to know that, even with all the dreams and ambitions I hold close to my heart, that I could never feel accomplished without bettering the world.
I do not always think so in-depth; in fact at times you would wonder where my intelligence seems to have run off to. But there is always a thought of something new, something I play with and tweak and trim and re-examine and throw away and re-form and present to others. I am a writer, I am constantly thinking.
But rather than rambling on, I shall leave you with this snippet, and if you find yourself interested, feel free to stick around.
Where is my fairy tale?[/color:ea08c8d59c]
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