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HIII [: i Jimmy but most of myfriends call me Estaban Julio Ricardo Montoya La Rosa Ramirez
im 15 to be 16 in october thatll be fun >;3
um ima virgin biggrin (stole from mandy-chan) yet no one beileves me D:
i like soccer alot i play for OHS Varsity as a Freshmen ( who rocks i doooo) um i cant think of anything else to put ... .-.
Mandy-chan: bess fran she black chica um she is currently single (stole from her profile)

BOBBY: he my bess fran too hes actually quit shy but htats oki hes what u call a professional troller o:

TOMMY: bess fran hes a pretty profund dude u remind me a nate from small potatoes biggrin

Danni-chan: lol where should i start? ik u for life ever u mi bess fran she is married biggrin but deeply inlove with another man >_> talk bout baby mama drama cept with daddyz lol i luv u biggrin


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im the usual

im bord as usal nothin intersting happens here life is at its usual im justwaiting for somthin dont know what but i will find it later


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Duckington Noot Report | 04/18/2013 10:09 pm
Duckington Noot
Lol passing by my a**. I can't consider you a mirage if you show up randomly a comment on my profile. You, Bobby, and Mandy need to come back!!!
btw Bobby changed his gaia name to Earthl3ound...
Duckington Noot Report | 04/14/2013 8:02 pm
Duckington Noot
Is this a dream or is this my good buddy Jimmy?
Duckington Noot Report | 02/10/2013 9:44 am
Duckington Noot
Er Mah GERD Jim How's it goin
Its been years surprised
Duckington Noot Report | 01/07/2013 12:29 am
Duckington Noot
What's up Jimmy!!! Been a while huh?? emotion_brofist
I-Azeral-I Report | 10/30/2012 7:12 pm
yuupp, it hit the mid and upper east coast,
it stayed for a whole two days, i didnt even go to school today and yesterday
I-Azeral-I Report | 10/28/2012 9:40 am
A damn Hurricane T.T
hurricane Sandy
I-Azeral-I Report | 10/18/2012 9:04 pm
Oh. Ok lol
I-Azeral-I Report | 10/17/2012 6:25 pm
What chu mean whut ? ;O
Am I disturbing you boy ? whee
I-Azeral-I Report | 10/17/2012 3:58 pm
- Biscuit Cream - Report | 10/08/2012 6:01 pm
- Biscuit Cream -


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