Last Login: 08/02/2016 11:48 am
Registered: 11/28/2006
Gender: Male
Location: Khurald Galain
Occupation: Elient Sole taken
Well essentially its the "BIG BOOK OF MY THOUGHTS" nothing more. first thought how the heck do i make my profile look better?
Drawn By:
Detailed in white are colours and my opinions of them.
Why you ask? Just cause.
They are occasionally featured in my status.
Black: Colour of hidden purpose and intent, be it good or bad.
White: Colour of Clarity and Purity, clearly defining what is,
to the exclusion of all other things and possibilities.
Red: Colour of Passion, firm in beliefs, pursuing them relentlessly.
Blue: Colour of depth, contemplating and calculating all possible results.
Gray: Colour of blending and deception,
blurring the lines between right and wrong,
true and false, real and unreal.
Pink: A variation of red,
a calmer sometimes more mature
and refined passion than red.
You must be lost...or misguided. If in need of conversation or direction leave a post.
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My Worgen in WoW has them all over. :'D
I love my freckles. ; u ;
It's alright, sugar! But thank you. o u o <3
My birthday was SO LONG AGO.
As in.
July Tenth xD <3