About: My avis: (some of)
I like to draw, write, and play my saxophone.
List of People Who Have Donated: -lazy brown dog: 200g
-GreenSharpieMule: 1500g
-TheBlackPlagueReincarnate: 2355! *hugs*
-TheBlackPlagueReincarnate: 5000!!! O.O' *mega-hugs*
-Secret Santa: Storm Troll ears
-Water Goddess: Berry Blue Gum
-TinyAngelSelphie: heart shaped box of chocolates
-Courtesan.of.Corruption: 2500 *glomps*
-GreenSharpieMule: 2000 (for regular posting in guild)
-SecretOfDeath: anciant katana *dies* THANKYOUSOMUCH!!!!!!!!!!! *squee*
-Wallop098: 3k *hugs*
-Scarlet le Wolf: 1.2k & Dark Leather Chair
heart -Lambo5125: black getta grip headband *gives cookie*
Journal: This is my journal. For the most part, it is my Gaia comic edits, my avi art, and my OC.
Other Links: My DeviantArt. My quizzes. My store.
Zephyr's Avie Art Gallery and Gaia Comic edits
Zephyr's Avie Art Gallery and Gaia Comic Edits
I'm putting my art in here so it looks neater.
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