A Furry Summary
Hello, My name is Zen Wolf!I'm an 18 year old furry anthro artists who just enjoys chilling with his friends. Originally I just made this account because one of my best friends had one, but after spending a little time here, I am guilty to admit that i'm hooked! I hope to meet more friends and furs here on the Gaia universe and I hope that everyone will enjoy my company and stay as I plot to rule the world secretly from my hidden moon base... I mean... I love cookies...
What there is to know about me?
Well, I'm part Asian and Russian, though my Russian side is more dominant i'm assuming since my mother's features show more then my fathers. I am a budding young artist who took one art class which ended up being horrible, still am in it. My art teacher is a stuck up woman who is a complete power trip!
If anyone is interested in seeing my art, they can check here
I can make people a picture for a fair amount of gold... lets say... 5k for the work? It's not alot in real cash terms i'm assuming and well artwork takes some time to make. If anyone wants a picture, they can either message my FA journals or note me on FA or comment me here somewhere somehow
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