Registered: 04/23/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Canada(eh!)
Birthday: 05/04
We are still playing Aqualung
The Alura mob is still charging
Tim still hates me
Bioshock is still loading
Rorschach still dies
Ironhide can still smell the enemy
Swampert still hates me
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Those poor sticky notes.. D=
Ooooooohh, that makes sense. :3 I bet staying in the buildings is nice too, you don't have to deal with the heat as much?
But suanas are good for you~ =D You should consider yourself lucky to be able to wear a portable suana! :3
Ooh, so you /plan/ on turning it into a massive viking beard? rolleyes
Awww!~ That sounds so adorable! >w<
How long was he inside your sleeve? I bet he liked it in there~ :3
Poor Mr... or Ms. bat. Probably was scared and worried. D=
Annnd I looked through your pictures! They are AMAZING!! o.o
You take absolutely beautiful photos. :'D
And the bat looks sooo cute.. and ugly. BUT CUTE!! <3
Annnd, I watched you. OtoutoKitsune is my username on DA X3
Aww, maybe you should leave a sticky note on it saying "Charge me please." And leave a sticky note on the drawer you put it in, so you know where it's at~?
Oooooohhh~~ That sounds pretty cool, actually. >.> How come you hide from the sun?
Ahaha truetrue. ^^
Probably, most wild animals who aren't in contact with humans often usuallyy don't like to be held or touched. :3
Yay! No wood lifting! =D That's good~ I bet the bat looked pretty cool. o.o You should capture one and make it your pet~ It could sit on your shoulder~ =D
And yes! I'd love to see pictures~~! =D And if you have a DA I can watch you! -Also has a DA~-