
Zebraviva's avatar

Registered: 02/28/2004

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/19


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I'm putting up an About Me, so you don't judge me as a goat rapist or anything.
I often start conversations in Spanish. If you call me or whatever, I'll answer the phone, "Hola! Que tal?" But since I took three years of Spanish in high school and cheated too much the last two, I don't know enough to keep a conversation going. If you don't know Spanish, I'll continue speaking it, very badly, but happily since you won't know how badly. And if you do know Spanish, and converse with me in Spanish, I'll quickly switch to Spanglish or English. But I get to pretend to be bilingual for awhile at least.
I forget about my laundry and have to set alarms so people don't put it on top of the machines. It bugs me since I don't like the idea of other people touching my clothes after they've just been cleaned since who knows where that person's hands have been.
Chocolate is my one true love, seriously. If a guy gets me flowers or jewelry, it's nice but I'd prefer chocolate. I'm not terribly romantic, but I have my moments. And I'm more likely to gush over chocolate than I am over flowers or jewelry. And if a guy sings for me and gives me chocolate, then I'll probably love him right then and there.
My hair feels soft right now. I guess I left the conditioner in long enough. I dye my hair so it's kind of damaged. But I'm working on making it healthy again.
I'm nerdy enough to love Star Trek, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I think nerdy people are the coolest people ever. I always date nerdy boys and have nerdy friends. And even if conversations get too nerdy for me to comprehend, I still love listening because I think that the way nerds often analyze stupid little things is awesome.
When I grow up, I'll probably be either a psychologist of some kind or a photojournalist/some kind of photographer. Photojournalism is a dying field, but I love the idea of being paid to travel to captivating places to take pictures, so I like to think it will be possible. But everytime I try to steer away from psychology, something happens that just shows me it's inevitable. I am just afraid I don't have what it takes to be a therapist.
I'm a real photographer. I take time to find good angles and lighting and everything for every picture I take. I've invested money into it and call it a passion. I'm not that stupid kid who takes stupid pictures of nothing and calls it photography. I once lurked next to a smoking clown for ten minutes trying to get the perfect picture of him, and only left because he was starting to stare at me and the picture wouldn't be candid anymore.
If you call me a hipster, you'll get death glares. And I am not responsible for your safety.
I am a zebra.


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Vi's Scratches of Ink that Resemble Letters and Words

They're scratches that look like letters that make words, they could be true or not, wanna find out?



View All Comments

Rabbi Hitler Report | 10/14/2013 4:49 pm
Rabbi Hitler
Spot the Zebra Report | 06/20/2012 4:46 pm
Spot the Zebra
Spot the Zebra Report | 02/08/2012 6:15 am
Spot the Zebra
Spot the Zebra Report | 01/12/2012 8:22 pm
Spot the Zebra
Cryptogon Report | 12/30/2011 8:26 pm
How brave.
Lamecakes Report | 12/27/2011 6:40 pm
I knew Walt Disney but wow eek
Lamecakes Report | 12/27/2011 6:30 pm
Were there really that many anti semitic writers? surprised
Lamecakes Report | 12/27/2011 6:10 pm
I wanna see a Dr Seuss menorah!!
Lamecakes Report | 12/27/2011 6:04 pm
That's really cool
I used to ask my parents to buy a menorah because I thought they looked awesome
Lamecakes Report | 12/27/2011 5:57 pm
Oh right, candles, that makes sense rofl


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I fart light

If I ignored you, this is why


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Leave Love For Me.

This one time, I got laid...


stale placenta
is incense-burning the secret to your luscious buttocks?

Thieving Atlantic
The only things I have ever seen you post pertain to boobs.


your name must be


There once was a zebra
Whose title was "Spot."
He was rather careless
And got his friend shot.
So, after a trial
And a long sentence sup,
Spot stands behind bars
So his stripes will line up.

Shut up Zebra, you can't speak english... Go get eaten by a Lion.

Ooooh. Get me too!

only this time in the butt

Lady Asshat
Lady Asshat
i heard you're really hyper.

She's on drugs, and alchohol. JS.

and a lot of sex while she smokes.

and some acid while listening to rock and roll?

nah man nah
while naming striped zebras spot

Spot the Zebra. You do not know what spots are.

Abolish Confusion
Who's that zebra with the tounge? Spot is that zebra with that tounge. Oh so mighty and oh soooo lonnngg, she can take off a womans thong with oneeee scchhhoolooong of dat long long tounge. redface

S m o r e e
Pretty is not in the CB Dictionary

if it was, you'd be the definition. redface

Fred Flintstoned
i pack a lil bowl
we hit it out tha pipe
we cough until we cry
i give my eye another wipe
and thats one of the times
i had a zebra spend the night
i tap it too hard
now she got spots intead of stripes

Go back to ******** off 13 years old kids in your school. I'm sure you enjoy it, but don't be surprised when you get a black baby and cry because you can't substain a family.

Easily ******** class="clear">

Monster Minuet
I have never seen anything so erotic or foul in my life.

Good job you glorious whore.


That attitude is what makes you a hipster though. Liking non-popular things just makes me awkward or weird or something. And liking indie things makes me indie or alternative or whatever. And having a different sense of style makes me Bohemian. That's all.

alright fair enough argument im not of the mental awareness it takes to argue with you annoyingly

im still gonna call you a hipster though js

dandy dorko
not a diva
just a cool girl
who rocks my world
and gets pretty shitty
because she's itty bitty
hope her hangovers done
because then she can have fun

You're a sick human being.

Mr. RedKnuckles
PKMN trainer Nicholas
Mr. RedKnuckles
PKMN trainer Nicholas
f*****t s**t spot the zebra blocked me
f*****t s**t blocked me too.

Shes an Annoying cuntfunnel
I agreee. lol

LOL. You had my previous profile on ignore, before I was able to give you a reason. Now it's balls to the wall time. You are a completely worthless individual that does not deserve the life that you have been given, and nothing will ever make sense to you because you are pathetic and an imbecile. Good day.

B A N N 3 D-D-D
Bye ridiculously long tongue that still to this day i wonder how good of a b*****b you give.

Le Avant Garde
The beautiful stripes of the majestic zebra
almost compare to the ones on Aviva 4laugh

a hunger for flesh
Congratulations; you have made me feel arousal from a tongue for the first time ever. Take me now you long-tongued she-devil <3 <3 <3