You, you, you, you, you ! lol I miss you girls!!! ..and I have to agree with Kristina ! =). Praying and always thinking of you, Rachel. Hope all is going well in Japan. 3noddingheart
R!E!A!L!L!Y!!!?! lol That is soooo AWESOME, girl!!! wink I know that you will do great @ whatever you do!heart
I MISS YOU, TOO!!!sweatdrop Veryy much! mrgreen I am working towards my degree in criminal more year to go! After that, I'm thinking something in the military. Love & miss you sooo much! I NEED to make a habit to get on my gaia more often lol
RACHEL!!!3nodding I don't know where to start!! ...just wanted you to know that I love, love, LOVE & miss you soo much!!! Hope everything is going great!! smile)
(I can't even remember the last time I logged in!rolleyes lol) Love you, girl!!heart
Talk to me!!! =D
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Happy New Year, also! heart
I MISS YOU, TOO!!! sweatdrop Veryy much! mrgreen I am working towards my degree in criminal more year to go! After that, I'm thinking something in the military. Love & miss you sooo much! I NEED to make a habit to get on my gaia more often lol
(I can't even remember the last time I logged in! rolleyes lol) Love you, girl!! heart