


my music

Hey. Call me lune. Nice of you to pop in and look around.
I'm assuming you're here to see who I am. Let me oblige.
I'm not a complicated person so this won't be hard to understand. Read it, digest, and don't be a ******** idiot. I say this with the most kindness I have to give. I forgive, but to a point. please, for the sake of a drama free life, try not to have that happen. After that point, I don't care enough to think about you anymore..

You see, I love life. LOVE to meet people. Human beings fascinate we think, work, act. emotions are one of my many skills. I can dig into them; yours, and find out things about you and others with an ease. How? Simple. I care. I care to ask, to hear and to listen with an open mind to learn and grow. But be careful. I do expect to be treated in kind. I enjoy basic things. Warm water on my skin, fruit, music, art, jokes. C: keep it fresh, comfortable, kind. No biggy.
Call me what you want, think of me whatever you want. It won't matter. unless you have a heart to get to know me, it's pointless trying to figure me out and know the real me. but like I said. I'm not complicated. it shouldn't be hard to figure me out.

I DO ART AS WELL, but only for bribes. C:

Hit me up bro. <3