What you need to know bout me...
Hai! I dun no what to put here now D= but...I will update this soon,because I want to.=P I`m currently questing fox ears.I believe that`s all I have to right for now.Chow~ =3
Last Login: 07/14/2022 12:07 am
Registered: 11/27/2006
Gender: Female
Location: In some demented rich guys head
Birthday: 04/09
Occupation: being myself...no duh :XD
14 gifts received
From Yu-Gi-Ohbabe
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Currently Questing Happy Melody! Pwease help? :3 [/color:fb163fe54f][/size:fb163fe54f]
NAFYS ART SHOP!!!!COME VISIT HER!!!!CLICKY HERE!!!! x3[/color:fb163fe54f][/size:fb163fe54f]
I is protector of comments!:D Fear meh!
I`m over here!:3
Nope,now I`m over here!
Or over here?
I`m tiny!
nd now I`m like so huge :D No,humongous!xD
Come visit me!Or die!xD
Lots of mini mes :3
Bet you can`t catch me!
To fast for you!:3
I hate you,enjoy your life.
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Enjoy it c:
Take your time c: I hope you'll do great on college =)
Take care and see you later =D
I been okay as well, busy with university but good =)
Happy late New year btw hahaha