Don't hate us cuz we're picture perfect!
We are absolutely ADORABLE.
No! You can't have any because it's mine! ;P
Lol... I'm one of the noob's minions
... What's up with that girl down there... O_O
NO! It's MY page Aly, Mitch and Seb! Lol. -protects page- Help Protect my page by commenting 'No Aly no!' in my comments and Firestone421's. ;D
Lightning bolts! -zaps your butt-
Red bull gives you wings.
I feel so left out... let me go join the noob minions! YEAH! =D
Selena gomez and Demi Lovato are next to me!! EEK!!! =D
They are eating me!Save me David Guzman!
This is our page now! >=D
I'm a hot pacman. Let's go attack, Aly and Mitch!
One LOOOOONNNNNGGGG hour later...
Mitch, you're too close... >.> You're wing is in my eye. Oh wait, I have glasses so.. yippee!
-does the Hare Hare Yukai- We are the hot pacman brigade.
These are my noob minions. We own this page! ;D
stuff they said to me not , u!
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<--- this person is a true friend
<--- this person has your back
<--- this person is always their for you
i want you to know that you are amazing,
if i dont get this back, i understand.
but i have a game for you. Once you read this comment, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you.
if you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved
*Don't Delete
itz me ev~!!
ello person~!XD
Carmen Winstead
was pushed
down a sewer opening
by 5 girls in her school,
trying to
embarrass her
in front of
her school
during a fire drill.
When she didn't submerge
the police were called.
They went down
and brought up
17 year old
Carmen Winstead's
her neck broken from
hitting the ladder,
and then the
side concrete at the bottom.
The girls told everyone she fell...
They believed them.
2 months ago,
16 year old
David Gregory
didn't repost it.
When he went to
take a shower he heard
from his shower,
he started freaking out
and ran to his computer
to repost it.
He said goodnight
to his mom
and went to sleep.
5 hours later
his mom woke up
in the middle of the night
cause of a loud noise.
and his face skin peeled off.
Even google her name- you'll find this to be true
If you don't repost this saying
"they pushed her"
Then Carmen will get you,
either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower,
or when you go to sleep you'll wake up in the sewer,
in the dark, then Carmen will come for you
send this to 10 people no send backs by midnight tonight or cameron will come for you
David was gone.
That morning
a few hours later
the police found him in the
his neck broken
im soo sorry about this!!read this post and re posti
Carmen Winstead
was pushed
down a sewer opening
by 5 girls in her school,
trying to
embarrass her
in front of
her school
during a fire drill.
When she didn't submerge
the police were called.
They went down
and brought up
17 year old
Carmen Winstead's
her neck broken from
hitting the ladder,
and then the
side concrete at the bottom.
The girls told everyone she fell...
They believed them.
2 months ago,
16 year old
David Gregory
didn't repost it.
When he went to
take a shower he heard
from his shower,
he started freaking out
and ran to his computer
to repost it.
He said goodnight
to his mom
and went to sleep.
5 hours later
his mom woke up
in the middle of the night
cause of a loud noise.
and his face skin peeled off.
Even google her name- you'll find this to be true
If you don't repost this saying
"they pushed her"
Then Carmen will get you,
either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower,
or when you go to sleep you'll wake up in the sewer,
in the dark, then Carmen will come for you
send this to 10 people no send backs by midnight tonight or cameron will come for you
David was gone.
That morning
a few hours later
the police found him in the
his neck broken
im soo sorry about this!!read this post and re posti