Hey. I'm just another oddity, really. I like drawing, reading, and cameras (taking the pictures, not being in them). I'm absolutely obsessed with theater- seriously, I never, ever shut up about it. I take things entirely too seriously.
To sum up all of the following concisely: I'm a dork!
[img:4daf5f5526]http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac243/yourdearladydisdain/gaia siggy stuff/DSCF0558.jpg[/img:4daf5f5526]
[u:4daf5f5526]Acting is half shame, half glory. Shame at exhibiting yourself, glory when you can forget yourself.[/u:4daf5f5526] [/align:4daf5f5526]
[b:4daf5f5526]John Gielgud[/align:4daf5f5526][/b:4daf5f5526]
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