The name is Kurt. I'm 16. Don't ask me personal s**t because I don't give that info out unless we're close. LIke I said before, I use to be on here, and I use to roleplay like a mofo. I'd have 10 different people lined up waiting for my responses... and I remembered each one I had a different, specific color code. -_- Good times.
I'm a musician. Piano, drums, guitar. You name it, I've probably played it. Athelete too. Football and Baseball right now. Use to be heavy on Soccer, but Baseball and Soccer are same season here... : Oh well,...
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How are you doing?
Do you have a pic? :p
They're all ******** rad cool
lol im not gonna hit uxD
I have to sleep tonight...so no midnight computer for me. haha.
dont worry im not mean like tht lolxD