Birthday: 06/13
IDK really its just about me and stuff...
Click Here if you can answer the question on that page i will give you 10,000g.
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Yeah Mike is my buddy...
I just know him from the clan o.o
-Kisses you- ^.^
Yeah same here i only know him from the clan...
Yeah I know him... So?...
Bleach fans UNITE!
I know him more than all of you!
I know him better than all of you! I used to live with him when we were babies...
Who am I?... Who are you?....
Me and him went through a few jobs in zOMG...
IDK where i came from o.o
I met him when fighting gnomes...
You guys act like I'm the best... o.o
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ezzy giffs hugs randomly also. ;D
so here's 2 hugs for both of those reasons
8520 gold.this is not a joke