Hi my name is Jared, I got my account name from one of my 27 story ideas, good but never going to be a anime/ manga/ book.
I DO have a girlfriend, so STOP ASKING ME OUT, its kinda annoying and I don't date online even if I were single, and yes I love my girlfriend a alot, more than you'd ever know, not saying anything bad cus I don't know who ever's reading this and to my friends... shut up XD.
My favorite hobbies are Skateboarding, being #1, playing guitar, newly learn song of storms from TLoZ, online gaming, the only game I have is halo, and I pawn... well I'm like a really good noodie and lisening to music, well and being awesome XD
I don't have alot of friends, but I can talk to anyone and not feel uncomftable, but I make people feel it alot, the only reason I act weird and happy is cus now I have areason to, befor I only had one friend that cared about me, and he's still my friend.
Me and My girlfriend are really close, we'v beening going out for 8 months and when my ex broke up with me, she was the only one I could talk to and would understand and cared. we've been through alot and we're not going to brack up anytime soon. to put it into turms that a coffee junky can understand, when I'm going through caffene withdraw, shes the only one I can talk to without going mad.
Oh ya I have caffene addiction, had it ever since I was 4... NOT KIDDING, but besides abnormal amount of coffee pumping through my vains, I'm clean, I don't or ever did drugs, and for those who think "yes you did, you toke medication right?" grow up, I have had alcohale before, but I don't really like it sooo...
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