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yashe3's avatar

Last Login: 12/26/2010 2:04 pm

Registered: 11/13/2006

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JakunenSabaku-dansei Report | 08/31/2009 8:35 am
Black wolf > shield =D
JakunenSabaku-dansei Report | 08/30/2009 9:43 pm
I haz a sword too, cheap but awesome. rUn, the llama is going to stab you 37 times.

=Llamas with Hats=
ObligationtoMercy Report | 08/30/2009 6:37 pm
Yeah. So are you in college now? I'm at a community college for a start out. You?
ObligationtoMercy Report | 08/30/2009 12:59 pm
Oh My God. You're a awesome....
Pocky_MacClocky Report | 08/29/2009 11:47 pm
Tanks for buying!!!
Destined Savior Report | 08/06/2009 6:44 am
As for the bottom comment, I just read my original comment (ObligationtoMercy) and I told you. Now that's settled.

crying I wish I could have visited you! It sucked that I really didn't have enough time.
Destined Savior Report | 08/06/2009 6:41 am
Damn you haven't been on in awhile. I've been better this summer. Bored but I had some fun in the process. ^^ Did anyone tell you I went to CA in June?
ObligationtoMercy Report | 06/12/2009 6:55 am
It was fun. She had at least 20 people there instead of the 30 she said that would come. Excluding the 5 of us (me and my friends), it was huge. We went swimming, had a BBQ, and everything. I enjoyed it expect the problem was that I couldn't go swimming because of my hair. I had it highlighted which was a good idea but I really wanted to go swimming. GRRRR....oh well....Did you have a party or what?

Hey, if Lazette or Karina hasn't told you yet, I'm coming to CA in a week or so. Get ready for me. XD
ObligationtoMercy Report | 05/29/2009 2:08 pm
Grad Night? Dang. We probably won't have anything like that but I am going to a party tomorrow for Graduation. ^^
ObligationtoMercy Report | 05/26/2009 3:09 pm
I'm okay. School's getting hectic with finals and all. ^^ How's life at Ridgeview?






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Hey all you gaia ppls i am trying to be on here more so plz leave me messages