Y u r a l r i a

Y u r a l r i a 's avatar

Registered: 07/27/2008

Gender: Female

Location: The United States

Birthday: 03/08/1989

Occupation: College student


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Hello, everyone that I know & don't know.
I've been away for a long time, cause I recently married to my husband who is my best friend. So life is going great for me.
I moved on to better things since Facebook was invited.
Like Castleville, Friends with Words.
But, every once in awhile I will come back to see my account on Gaia.
I have to admit Gaia is a great site just to past the time with.
Brings back old memories.

* O o O * *O o O* *O o O* *O o O* *O o O* *O o O*

-Mercury's Moon-
-Angelic Lace-
-Spring Nymph-
-Angelic Wind-
-Hyde's Blood lust-
-Pirate Anchor-
-Seracila Pendant-
-Prince Of Thieves-
-Magical Mender-


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Y u r a s t o r i e ' s

I would like to tell little storyes that happen to me.



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Bermese Report | 05/10/2013 6:59 pm
Well look what the pimp dragged in, his whore!
My >10 Cats and I are doing fine. We're enjoying the sunshine and the blossoming flowers. And working, mostly working. mrgreen
Bermese Report | 12/25/2012 8:08 pm
Christmas is almost over! crying Waaah!! We're watching the Grinch right now! I watched Christmas episodes of Futurama earlier, and Spongebob. And then Mickey's Christmas Carol yesterday. Trying to get into the Christmas mood. smile
It's snowing like crazy on the mountain!! They had chains required at the entrance! People were sliding all over the place, and they didn't open the road to Paradise, so I only got to work 1/2 a day. :/
Bermese Report | 12/22/2012 7:15 pm
Aww... poor Yohan. Maybe it's a button that only certain people can see! O_O lol just kidding. It may be your computer. Try using a public computer or if Daniel has one use his. 3nodding
Oh My gosh!! It's like less than 3 days until Christmas!!! Crazy!
Bermese Report | 12/21/2012 8:26 pm
They've only known each other about 6 months. :/
Happy End of the World Day!!! biggrin

Oh Dang!! Poor Daniel!! I hope that didn't mess him up too bad. You poor guys, I hope your chiropractors can help you. 3nodding
Bermese Report | 12/20/2012 10:52 am
Oh no! I hope your neck gets better! My poor Yohan!! crying

Yeah... that big dummy. They're not getting married until 2014, which is good. I don't want them rushing into anything. They still don't know each other all that well and Marriage is a big step. I don't think they've actually put a lot of thought into it. :/

The snow has turned to rain here... it's super depressing. It was so nice to be able to go outside for once, I had a snowball fight with Danny. smile
Bermese Report | 12/18/2012 8:37 pm
Yeah, it snowed about 5 inches. Knocked the power out in the middle of the night too.
We had fun in the snow this morning, probably more tomorrow. mrgreen

How about your neck of the woods? Anything fun going on?
Bermese Report | 12/06/2012 7:19 pm
OH MY GOSH!!! eek I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT!!!! crying I'm a horrible person! I'm so sorry, I haven't been on my computer much lately. So I didn't even think about it. emo
Bermese Report | 11/29/2012 7:53 pm
I just saw the commercial for Les Miserables yesterday!! biggrin I want to go see it! I really want to see the Hobbit too! I love the Lord of the Rings! biggrin
Well you gotta remember... it is the holidays. So it's ok if you eat a little extra. As long as its just that day. 3nodding
I have to go to a safety meeting at work tomorrow, on my day off! stressed I was planning on having an All-Day Movie Marathon!!
In a couple weeks or so we're going to have a little Christmas get-together at my friends house. We're going to watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn and drink cocoa! >_< I'm really excited! I think his girlfriend and I will get along, she really likes Christmas too! lol
Bermese Report | 11/27/2012 9:03 pm
Nice. I hope you have a bunch of fun! Don't eat too much! wink lol
I think it may start snowing here pretty soon. The weather has gotten much colder, and I can just.... feel it. 3nodding
Bermese Report | 11/26/2012 7:11 pm
Aww, man that sucks. Well hopefully you get internet soon. smile

Um... well I'll be working Christmas. But most likely I'll just hang out with the family. Open gifts, give gifts. 3nodding We might throw a party at a friends house because he's been depressed. We wanna cheer him up! biggrin
What about you? Any exciting plans?


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