Well I am on the computer a lot. I'm not really good at explaining myself. I like to watch AND read Naruto. I watch SOME bleach. I play some Devil May Cry. I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE ramen. Even more I love Mi-Go-Reng. I think that's how you spell it Lol. I like spending money so that is why I am so poor Lol. I like making forums. I am working on one called Nexia which is a city that is in the year 3034. It is a futuristic RPG. It is Original because it doesn't take place over an Anime or anything. Well there you have it. That is all I can think of about me. OH YEAH! I love to play guitar. Guitar is my LIFE o..o. Wel there ya go. Lol. Thanks for read about me! ^-^
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