
Hello daling! When I fist started here almost seven years ago my name was sweer-blueeyed-rocker. My friend's call me Kennie, but you can call me whatever you want. Sometimes life takes over and I can't get on at times, and I truly do miss this place. It is my home that I can let my words fly. No one judged me and they accepted me. I have a cat. Her name is Twix. I am a reder, writer, aratist, beginner musican, gamer and dreamer.


Viewing 12 of 296 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Hue Rue

Report | 01/10/2013 5:39 am

Hue Rue

lol guess i was eating for awhile xD SO how are u? biggrin wait wait i mean hello first then the question
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 5:45 pm

Hue Rue

oh well ill tal to u later im going out to eat! cya!
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 5:40 pm

Hue Rue

ty ty biggrin
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 5:36 pm

Hue Rue

sorry! well then on the other hand look at this sexy avi art i just made biggrin
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Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 4:31 pm

Hue Rue

hm idk iv never tried on a cell phone
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 4:21 pm

Hue Rue

the way i got so much money was through booty grab after an hour or to u could get 1 mil biggrin
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 4:02 pm

Hue Rue

yeah but iv bought art before... some cost me 5k to i think the most i spent was maybe 50k
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 2:47 pm

Hue Rue

Yeah some people at the freebie forum can draw really well
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 1:46 pm

Hue Rue

Yeah ibelieve all the art on my profile was free
Hue Rue

Report | 12/22/2012 11:54 am

Hue Rue

on freebie you dont need money. I think it all depends on a cool title. "Draw royalty" seems to work good for me but this time my title was "my profile looking a lil bare"


[img:9e97fbca13]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p580/Emo_Nerdy_Cupcake/Mobile Uploads/large_zpse67e40d2.gif[/img:9e97fbca13]