Hey wassup its Nikki!!Im 16 and I live in Salt Lake City, Utah!! biggrin I love all my sisters and my brother!! They are awesome!!My favortie colors are all neon colors!! razz
My favorite ice cream is Cookie Dough!!! yummy
My favorite song is Dear Maria count me in by all time low!!!
My favorite animal is a turtle hehe so cute
so that is basically me there is some other stuff that i cant think of right now so haha
♥/ Nikki!!! razz
Here is some pics!!! ;P
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So how are you Nikki?
me and her are working it out so far its working...
i just got to think it all over.........
it was something about a family member that almost broke us apart
cant say anymore it was personal to begin with...
less and less ppl talk to me
i almost lost meg tonight and it was never my fault....
feel really upset