My name is Meghan Rose.
Or Rose, if you prefer. : D
I like chocolate, my friends and family, Gaia and poking dead things with a stick
: D
lol, so maybe not that last one.
I love taking pictures and playing my guitar. I have been playing since january of last year. My guitar is made by Epiphone. Her name is Hummingbird. thats the model, at least. you can go look it up if you want to. : 3
I have a Deviant ART account and i am on a lot. my name is ThornOfADesertRose.
You can see me and my work there.
On another note, i love Naruto and Bleach. Grimmjow JeagerJaques (sp?) Rox my sox and Aizen has a stick up his arse : D
* SPOILER ZONE SPOILER ZONE* I was also royally pissed when Tite Kubo thought it would be funny to kill off Uliquirra. Not. Okay. * END SPOILER ZONE END SPOILER ZONE*
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