
I'm a 15 year old, hyper active, caffiene addicted, chocoholic. I've got a bunch of strange and random thoughts like wanting to play 'Another One Bites the Dust' by Queen every time a squirrel jumps on a transformer near my house. xd Oh yes, I went there.
My best-ie (best friend) is Rain. She's great, and she's been like my sister since 4th grade. Ummm...
I've got the most amazing boyfriend in he world. So, don't ask if I'm single. I wouldn't dump the boy for anyone, not even Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. I love him with all I've got and more. He's everything to me. And I wanna spend the rest of my life with him.

I've got a ton of pets... I'm not gonna bother with listing them all though.
Hmmmm... What else to say? Occasionally, I act a bit strange. Like, I'll talk to myself, or talk about myself in the third person. It's great. Oh, yeah... "It's great" is kinda like my catch phrase, I'm usually being sarcastic. Oh, and the last manga book that I read was book one of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Did I mention that I dye my hair? Name a color, except green. I'll bet ya I've dyed it that color. xd

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Is it alright if I marry you and have your children?
I didn't xd