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ReallyZonedSquid Report | 05/24/2013 1:29 pm
err hi
Calm Your Vag Report | 10/09/2010 2:38 pm
your welcomee (:
lighto-roga Report | 09/13/2010 7:43 pm
mitology creatures that whant for abook whit his history jeje things like titanms ciclops,unicorns,things likethat and oh! great well then have agreat food? jeje and yeayy sound noice
Lexeus Alkirien Report | 09/13/2010 7:38 pm
I'd study if I had a math book.......
And I'd stay awake in class if my teacher wasn't so boring....
lighto-roga Report | 09/13/2010 7:06 pm
je je je
well yea thx and not 2 much making the diner and cheking afew things in the pc talking whit some friends whit mi gf and whit you and drawing somthing from ni newpies well more say request for minewpies jeje and you?
Lexeus Alkirien Report | 09/13/2010 6:57 pm
I failed my math test....
Oh well.....
lighto-roga Report | 09/13/2010 6:50 pm
its ok donth worry jeje mi istake for not use solar protector orsomthing like taht
and ok nice yeayy and me doing great thx
lighto-roga Report | 09/13/2010 6:39 pm
uhmm well kind of hurts alitle but well now im felling like areptile crying
by the way hi hi hows going?
Lexeus Alkirien Report | 09/11/2010 8:45 am
I'm doing about the same thing
lighto-roga Report | 09/09/2010 8:52 pm
jeje wel lets gona
say tha mi skin is now uhmmm alitle brown jeje
well morelike alobstar later like coper color or somthing like that

xXnikki foreverXx

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