me bitchezzz ^-^
♥ ...ahoy :3
anyway,.. i blow out the candles on Marxh 22 smile
i'm kinda free to choose what i want in my life, my parents gave meh that.
AND seven is my favourite number , not sixx =Þ
♥ hello kitty is awesome!
jesus is my horror,.
God bless ya jesus!
Dont call me emo xD i only like emo quys...
Well, i live my life away fom drugs or other activities.
i am addicted to one fcukin' thing !
┣▇f͟͞a͟͞c͟͞e͟͞b͟͞o͟͞o͟͞k͟͞▇▇═─™ This drug is very efficient for cases of chronic boredom. smile
i can be silly, weird, stupid, kind,jealous, sexy, gross n' Horny!
i can be your best friend or your worst enemy...
Call me cliche but skinny jeans and big hair make me happy smile
Call me whichever stereo type you like. Youre entitled to your opinion.
If I say something. Dont try to ******** compete with me. ITS ANNOYING!
I like keeping my legs closed! Unlike everyone else around here xD
I throw down.
I wanna sing but im not that great
I dance like a retard. I rave. I mosh. Im fun to be around for the most part. =) i haven't yet done anything to be proud of .
oh yea, im a model biggrin
And I dont take s**t from people.
btw,i talk properly. i cant spell,but i use full words. because i am not lazy(:
n jea.. i ♥ random adds,
but i wont talk to people who leave one word responces or typ3 l!ck3 th!zzz or this "hEy hOw aRE yOu?"
well, ..i like too many things to list them all, so here's a few
likes: tea (especially camomile, apple, green tea, vanilla), rice milk, water, fruit, smoothies, candy, frozen soya yogurt ,broccoli, anything natural/pure, home made skin masks, nutrition, cocoa butter, nice soaps ect,, swimming, bubble baths, candles, animals, skin care, learning, change, people with style, the colours gold and blue, skinniness, SKINNY JEANS, tamagotchis, astronomy, europe countries apart from the uk, going for walks where no one else goes, fire places, challenging myself e.g climbing mountains, london shopping, chapsticks, joop, bubblegum/grape smell, loyalty, pokemon, blue raspberry, bubblegum pop, pale skin, ill looking, skinny legs with big boots, quietness, shyness, people who can make me really laugh, clever people, the sky at night, tv, arts and crafts in the afternoon, appearances that don't change, even after 50 years,, places where you can only hear the wind, vhs, polaroids &STRAWBERRIES!
dislikes: thunder, any fatty/junk foods, absolutely anything that harms the body, ignorance, people who copy, rudeness, people with no manners, greasy/dirty atmospheres, greedy people, delusion, arrogant people, laziness, staying in bed, sitting still, runny foods, sauces, most things mainstream, depressing or angry music, new films, animal testing, any animal in a cage, moodiness, people with no respect, people who make fun of others, lending things, shallowness, slutty people, cuss words being used in every sentence, Cigarettes, people who say they have the flu when all they have is a cold (always has really annoyed me). junk mail! people that are afraid of roller coasters and haven't even tried them, the sound of television. A lot of english people including the language and accents, south east train prices and most people who work on them because they are rude and disgust me, the rotation of this planet is too fast... the age span of humans (1000 would be better) getting hypothermia, people who talk about food a lot, small talk about nothing important, the sound of television.
and my favorite animal is peacock, not because it has the work 'c**k' immature kids, but because it got many beautiful colors and inspires me in art class.
Good and bad traits about me, let's see...
Good~ Friendly. Empathetic. Hmm funny. Eccentric. Witty. Analytical. Clever. Restless. Good manners. Very considerate. Open minded. Loyal. Will Power. Practical.Compromising. Diplomatic. Protective. Perceptive. Health conscious. Fun..
Bad~ Fussy. Shy. Bad temper (when it blows, which is very rare). Clumsy. Nervous. Worry about everything. Extremely indecisive. Changes mind in seconds. Very posessive over certain things. Critical.Anxiety disorder. Extremely idealistic . Always sad inside.
mm well, don't judge meh, i am nice once you get to know me..
i am not shy, you can ask me anything smile
i won't talk to you if your annoying
for all you facebook addicts like me out there, if you wantz to add me, here ^3^!/profile.php?id=100000340386415
so, see ya in hell' or yaaaa bed wink ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱц xo ♥
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i feel like doing suttin cray tommorow....
ok lets try this... you... me.... meaghan.... and bayli sing "love game" by lady gaga at school IN DA RAIN biggrin
meaghan wants u to add her gaia.
her username is: wolfdemonwarrior14