Eyo, this is Jeanine's seestar, Risa<3 & i'm here to fix her profile because it's boring. Plus she's pretty slow at typing; HAH! anywho I call this girl, Janzee.
biggrin she came into this world on December27th, the youngerr one in the fambam, yet she's taller than me! boooo, lol. She's into like anime & kingdom hearts, stuff like that, it's weird though because i was into those things back in the day! what a biter
mad lol it's all good, she's still pretty awesome. she hangs out with my cousins mostly, allebasi & swirls. AND NO those aren't their real names, i just don't want ya stalking them
wink mhm. we all act like idiots together, but that's the fun part about being in a family that loves ya
heart aright i'm leaving, & if anyone messes with this galalalala, you're going down! mkay? MKAY
mrgreen byee Jeanine, & LEARN HOW TO TYPE, just kidding .. but seriously you really do really need to because it's importante
razz LOVE YA's <3(:
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yeah. so hows school?
i miss you too! <3 (no homo)
im angela
i tink meh in yEEr scoooool?
im on thaa B teAm