
xXhopeless_romantic14xX's avatar

Birthday: 09/04


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well my names Sarah.i can be a the bigget b***h you'll ever know but i can also be the coolest person you'll ever know.i'm loud,outspoken,a b***h depending on the person,i can't take people talken s**t to long,i'll tell you how it is wether you like it or not.i love math and L.A. either than that i don't see the point in going to school. i listen to a mix of music but i don't really care for rap unless it's something like Emin3m,5o cent or lil wayne.i plan on going into the Marines when i grow up or graudate.i do wanna to become a preacher and a hippi.i'm a christan.if you don't believe in God good for you i don't really care cause i'm not pushin you into believen.i think becomeing a missnary would be the coolest thing ever. weeds organic and needs to be leaglized.i love Ninja's.lastly i'm wild and weird as hell and could care less what you think of me as long as i'm having fun. yea i know i probably talk and write to much but oh well...oh and one more thing i don't believe in Pro-Choice Abortion is wrong in my eyes.


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X-Pretty_Rainbow_Gurl-X Report | 08/24/2010 5:52 pm
look in ur old account replied to da comment`