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XxdarkredXx's avatar

Last Login: 08/26/2022 5:57 pm

Registered: 03/21/2005

Gender: Male


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I Am John Kramer Report | 02/24/2017 5:31 pm
[[I'm okay, trying not to stress out but that seems to fail. I think I need a break from this site.]]
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 11/03/2016 11:21 am
Yea I got it. I'll add you as soon as I get a chance. Works been busy.
I Am John Kramer Report | 11/03/2016 7:31 am
How have you been? I hope you're doing okay.
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 11/01/2016 10:34 pm
ok. well if you have skype, send me a pm with your user and i'll add you.
I Am John Kramer Report | 11/18/2015 5:09 pm
[[i have a new video game that I'm obsessing about! Have you heard of tomb radier?]]
Kor Saiyajinkami Report | 08/29/2014 5:11 pm
Did you forget about the TSSA RP of mine that you joined where you're RPing as Jak and Daxter? Or have you just been too busy to respond to my Quoting in said Thread and my PMs?
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 07/11/2014 3:36 pm
yup it has been
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 07/11/2014 3:29 pm
hey dark
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 03/13/2014 1:38 pm
well good luck with your cosplay
Untouchable Queen Saya Report | 03/13/2014 11:36 am
I'm doing good. just taking advantage of some of the rereleases. been able to get some items off my wish list cause of it

Thanks Twisted!!!

Thanks teh Cookie Queen!

thanks Voice-listener!