
User Image

Extra Not Normal
Ready for I guess anything
Intelligent to an extent o - o yes

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Working on getting these Avi's, What Do Ya Think?♥

For some reason I love this Blue and White phase I'm going through....

Total Value: 912,695 Gold/Total Value: 830,999 Gold/Total Value: 829,594 Gold/Total Value: 923,595 Gold

Item List:
Long-Stem Blue Rose/Long-Stem Pink Rose/Long-Stem Gilded Rose
Jade Peasant Gloves
Fuwa Fuwa Alla Marcia/Kira Kira Alla Marcia/Pika Pika Alla Marcia
Blueberry Petal Stockings/Strawberry Petal Stockings/Sheer Stockings
Black Saddleboy Shoes
S-Pop Club: Rayna/S-Pop Club: Odele/S-Pop Club: Taja
Heart Eye Patch
Pirate Sando's Vest
Napoleon of Crime/Card Croupier/Dynamite Heel
Maximilian the Snowdog

As you all know, I'm XxCommander-CharmanderxX, and I very much enjoy pancakes and cupcakes. Cakes in general aren't really my thing sadly. Sorry Cakes :
How do you do?
Well, I guess I should let you get to know me now!

Top Ten Things My Gaia Friends Should Know About Me:
10.)I'm a MAJOR Animefreak and or Otaku
9.)My favorite sports are Badminton, Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, throwing socks into the washer, Base-soccer, making dramatic draws when playing Duel Monsters, etc.
8.)I <3 Most Animals (I'm terrified of Chimpanzees :[ and I<3 APBT's!)
7.)I Love Shiny blinkie things!! :]
6.)I'm a Final Fantasy person not to mention a Super Sentai Girl-^^-
5.)Friends and family matter more to me!
4.)I <3 Jim Crocodile Cook, Feel(Feil), Eiji Kikumaru, Shuyin, and
Jasdebi(Jasdero[mostly] and Debitto)!
3.)I speak three different languages (I know, three isn't a lot...)
2.)I love drawing random things from my mind.
1.)Call me Mearii-saurus (or) Riefaa-chan

[Extra- Only the friends listed can call me Little Ren or Ren Bunny -Rei, Akiko, Arashi, Natalie, Cho, Yuki, Mitsuki, Mai, Devit, Hikaru, Sharkie Chan Shishou, Jim<3, and Feil]

Top Six Things To Get Me Ticked Off - Don't Do!
6.)I Dislike being rushed(Please no rushing me for things...)
5.)I seriously dislike Chain letters!
4.)I HATE it when some on is playing with someone else's emotions!
3.)I don't like pms that don't have any meaning!
2.)I don't like how people put inappropriate(I don't want to check my spelling) things in a forum!
1.) I dislike people who don't play by the rules!

Look! My Cruddy Drawings!!<3 Beware I can't color for Rice...

Old Pics: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
New NEW Pics(behold crappy camera skillz for DGM pics and OC pis):
Finally! Pictures of Pogi (Duchess), my American Pitbull Terrier or APBT, are uploaded!
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Yes, I am Horrible with taking pictures, but I am Camera Happy so expect more pictures of Pogi in my profile!

The Things I've been labeled: I appreciate everyone of my labels! <3 Label me Plez! >3

Skank-1(Lol, funny)
Nerd-1(YAY! I feel smart!)
Home Girl-1

Top Ten Names My Friends Have Given Me!<3
1)Person with drawing talents
3)Ren Bunny
4)Arisa~sa~sa or -mokey
6)Crazy or Cupcake Devours
7)Inari Sushi
cool Joshua (yeah, that's my dog name given by Rei-sempai, Thanks Rei...)
9)Rice-chan(I think this one is cute!)
10)Mochi Mun-mun


Viewing 12 of 52 friends


Oh Geebus.... This thing

LIKE, LIKE, LIKE THE SUPERMAN nah wah mah joo cheen

"Blah, blah, blah Cupcakes... Blah, blah, blah..... blargh......."

This is my journal! Yes! My journal that smells like typing typos etc! :3


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Musical Addiction

Report | 09/05/2012 4:47 pm

Musical Addiction

Lol thanks. Whimsical is a nice word. (:
Haha yes, I'm a sucker for all things bright a beautiful!

Yesss, that would be epic. Eh...didn't get invited lol. xD

Nope, school starts Sept 26. c:
Musical Addiction

Report | 09/05/2012 12:42 pm

Musical Addiction

Thank you so much Mary~ :'DD
My sister also said something like that...
She said my old works look like crap now. Hahaha. OTL

Man, wouldn't it be fun if we could have a tablet party with Tweety and Sarah and creep on each other's drawing methods? >:B

Haha, me too. Same ol, same ol.
Musical Addiction

Report | 09/02/2012 10:38 pm

Musical Addiction

It's going good! Still drawing. Commissions make me draw more than usual. xDD
Howsabout you Mary? How ya doin guuurl?
Musical Addiction

Report | 09/01/2012 2:55 pm

Musical Addiction

Musical Addiction

Report | 08/21/2012 8:04 pm

Musical Addiction

Good! Been drawing all summer woop! ^o^

Howsabout you?

Musical Addiction

Report | 08/20/2012 10:54 pm

Musical Addiction

Hey guuurl. c:

II-Dark Hero-II

Report | 07/24/2012 11:52 pm

II-Dark Hero-II

No kidding. They really need to fix that.

Well, beggars can't be choosers. Maybe you'll get them someday.
Musical Addiction

Report | 07/24/2012 1:56 pm

Musical Addiction

Yeah. I'm homestuck most of the time. );
I knew she was leaving. T___T
Yes, of course! I am super excited to be a part of JM HOSA!
Thanks for reminding me when reg was!
She did! I was like, *scroll scroll LE GASP* suddenly there was a pretty watercolor picture!
* o *

Forreals, lol I loved getting gold with rps. It's fun and you get money!
Oh gosh, so true. 15k can't get you anything really. D:
I love stalking art forums! I lurk like crazy!
Lol idk why but I can't play booty grab on my computer. ; o ;

Wooah, really? I find it harder to put on the details during coloring too!
I wanted to watch one of her livestreams but it wouldn't load! >___<
II-Dark Hero-II

Report | 07/23/2012 7:14 pm

II-Dark Hero-II

That's true. I wish it were just one form of currency rather than adding BP. It's such a pain to save that stuff up.

You don't like Registeel? I think Registeel as awesome, but not as cool as Regice.
II-Dark Hero-II

Report | 07/22/2012 8:00 pm

II-Dark Hero-II

That's true.
Literally the only good strategies that they have are in the subways. But even then, the game just tries to counter-pick the types you have to have your weaknesses.


Like my art go to my DeviantArt ♥
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FAQ: Do you take any Art Classes?
A: No, but if you're willing to offer me some for free then alrighty! : ) ♥
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