xXBeyond_EternityXx's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/25


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Used to be on Gaia long long ago and decided to stop back in to see whats new.

My name is Mackenzie and I am in my 30's. I am your standard MTF trans goth nerd gamer girl. Lots of games, reading, music, anime and what not. I am a huge introvert and not great with talking but I am trying to be better so I am hoping to make a bunch of new friends here.

I also love dark spooky stuff so if you want to talk about horror, ghosts, ghouls, etc then I'm your girl.

Also please don't send me random rp starters or sexual stuff. I'll just ignore it and block you.


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Just a place to put thoughts, arts and signs


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Ebony Bull Report | 06/01/2022 3:21 pm
Ebony Bull
Blake Byron Report | 05/24/2022 2:35 am
Blake Byron
your avi looks so badass
Demangelic Report | 05/11/2022 10:35 pm
Hi :3
Stress Builds Character Report | 05/05/2022 1:35 am
Stress Builds Character
Genuinely like you avi. cool
Blake Byron Report | 05/04/2022 7:13 pm
Blake Byron
neat avi
Final Attire Report | 04/27/2022 11:53 pm
Final Attire
Monsters and Mommies Report | 04/27/2022 1:30 pm
Monsters and Mommies


Please don't PM me looking for RPing.
Full time night person.
Friendly Succubus Detective
As long as nothing supernatural happens this should be easy

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Lookin for more signs like this


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-Lunar Ice goddess- on 06/10/2022
dion the virus on 06/08/2022
Joven86 on 06/08/2022


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