Hey my name is Jemikcant stop thinking about my darling Haley! (shout out I love you baby!)
Im 14 (for now)
Im in the 9th grade
Im 5'9"
my hair color is dark brown
Im hella random ask anyone that I know
I play the drums and piano
I play basket ball, foot ball and used to run track
my dream is to touch the sky with my bare hands
I dont have much on my mind lately just Haley and school... (mostly Haley)
I might become a comedian idk, I just like to make people laugh... but its generally funnier in person... as with most jokes...
Im 20% bisexual damn right me and Haley judge guys together XD jk
Im black and japanese and if you say blackanese I'll gutchu like a fish beware nuaghty dog!
In a way Im a mixture of things Im part hippy without doing the pot... Im gothic... Im a rocker... I am a nerd and if you have an account on here to welcome to the club of nerdville...
I really like to live life to the fullest... I do alot of crazy crap that you wouldnt even dream of...
I do a mixture of dances I break dance, crump, top rock, hip hop... and when Im dancing with a partner... waltz, tengo, swing dance, shuffle, currently learning the salsa, and if you put a sertain song on I like to dance dirty... I shake it so good that I make girls look bad... but beyonce can give me a run for my money XD
obviously I like to dance... lmao but I like to sing as well...
oh btw if your reading this you will know that I did this while Im tired as hell...
lol thats why this thing is so long...
and if you have any questions... or any concerns about my health right now... shut the ******** up and leave me alone... well its been a pleasure telling you who I am and I know I got way off topic... I have ADHD so ******** you if you think Im weird...
lol anyways new topic I love Haley to death... and if anyone tries to harm her your going on the list that her her ex's are on... and if you choose to fight me please give me a match... because Im the type of guy that likes a challenge... so if you want to spar with gear on feel free to bring some friends all aginst me... I never tried fighting 9 ppl at once so... bring 8 friends...
well I should wrap this up before I start rambling on...
well anyways I love my friends to death and I'd die for Haley so pm me if you want to you know... Sayonara
if the videos dont work then copy and paste to view them if you didnt know this...

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You probly will, but not notice im on.. >_>
It's just the depression. ^_^
It's hard to defeat it.
But for you I can.