You know how fast my hair grows!! crying Plus you'll see at open house the horrendous color it has turned. Its like a red/brown/black all kinds of awful! That is if mom doesn't give me money to professionally dye it. I personally am mostly broke.
Aw poor banana. Maybe you shoulds comes overs. xd After all, I have the house completely to myself labor day weekend. Mom and Trobey are going to Illinois and no way in hell am I going to dads so I'm dog sitting blaugh But seriously I miss overkill crying I ain't puttin my hand in that b***h! No finger ******** way. xd I have a problem...
Pssssh Whatever. I owe you like a hundred. So uh, you feel like bringing my games back anytime soon? Haven't you beat them yet its been like two weeks! stare
I AM UNAFRAID! FOR SCHOOL HAS NOT YET STARTED! I can hide until then, by which time you will either forget or not see me. I'm sure any open lockers next to you are empty. xp
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