Hey It's Maddy Your Cool and Ordinary Girl From Sunny Southern California. I AM THE BIGGEST FAN OF MCR!!!! I LOVE THEM!!
****Real MCR Fans****
1.Real MCR fans know more songs than Helena.
2.Real MCR fans know Gerard Way's brother's name
3.Real MCR fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4.Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/rents... for dissing Gerard's hair.
5.Real fans shop for hours just to find a red tie for a MCR concert.
6.Real MCR. fans have this on their profile
I Love To Draw And Express Myself. My BFF's are Dingo (happydude96), Abby (pinkitail), Alyssa(ruffalostar), Kati, and Tristan(Mr_Hyde4505)! YAYS!!!^^ *claps for everyone* I can Be random in many cases as you might all know by now um and i hate my teacher Mrs.Humpert (Mrs.Lempert) Thank God I Don't Have To Have Her Next Year! WHOO HOOO!! Party! *pops confettie gun* YA! i told i was random. I love MCR and Queen! PLEASE VOTE IN MY POLE CALLED "Who's Hotter?" GOODBYE!
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