biggrin its me Kaitlin, im updating my profile. Im 15 I like anime, manga, some of my fav bands are owl city, Hollywood Undead, Panic! At the Disco, linkin park, green day and other bands like that. My favorite color is purple. I love animals and cute stuff :3 Im a very much girly but can be a tad bitchy
wink I like to be loud, spontaneous, but at times I am UBER shy. I love the color pink! My friends are closer than any family member I have (Sad to say) And yes, I do sing in the shower.
4laugh At the moment I'm single and plan on keeping it that way, sorry boys and girls ;P Just playing, I'm not that vain XD Well anywho, PM me, IM me or Friend me if you think you would like to be buddies :3
~ Kaitlin.

I adopted a chibi!
Name: Ed!
Age: 18
Likes: His owner, cake, cookies, and Sex, lots of sex.
Dislikes: MILK -___-
Owner: xxAoi_juugatsuxx
Get one now!
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yum_puddi ----
at least it did something e v e
I wuv chu wittle sissy heart
I love yours too