I'm pretty good, waiting to hear back and having my fingers crossed that I get a room on campus so I can experience dorm life. Besides that just a little older and feeling it now lol but my late 20s isn't too bad actually... Looking forward to my 30s, which I never thought I would say. Glad to hear from ya hun, hope you are doing well.
Hi. I'm Meghan. I'm twenty-three. I am happily taken by Prospect Casey.heart I've been here since '05 on various accounts. I love my CoCo to pieces and I'll never part with her. TWD, ATLA and The Amity Affliction all have my heart. I have a tumblr. If you followed me, you probably wouldn't think of me the same. But if you'd like it, PM me. :3 I'm afraid that's all you need to know about me. holier than heaven; heavier than hell
Nico Suavae enters the chat. Haley_Heartbreak: Hello! *winks* Nico Suavae leaves the chat. Total -K-Lutz Whore: HAHAHAHA! s o a p e d : XD And this is why I love Amanda. <3
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Actually, hold on,
miss you <3 gaia_pawstamp