Hello there! Stalker jk jkI'm a 16 year old.
I'm female. not male. I love to crossdress. sweatdrop
I love to help you on Zomg! ask me anytime to join you! heart
I accept random friends requests if you talk to me.
but, be warned, disrespect me or my friends, especially my friends, I will kick your butt out of here.
I love anime, music, pictures, and sushi.
I know I'm a vegetarian now so I can't eat it anymore ;A ;
The reason I'm here is to make friends so don't be afraid to send me a message =) I'm not going to bite.
unless you are mean to me or my friends, I WILL bite.
Thanks for looking at my profile! Have a nice day~! biggrin
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Just go on hiatus.
To be honest, I just logged on a few days ago too, myself. ^^
Oh Sorry for Over sleeping...
I REALLY wanted to go to the Park with you!