
XTechnicolorLoveX's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2010 5:45 pm

Birthday: 01/12


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hmmm...what's to know about me? i'm clumsy as all hell i don't have alot of friends but i love the ones i do have!!! i ******** up alot...and i admit it and i'm sorry for every ******** up i've ever made....and ever will make.....[cuz i know it's bound to happen]its who i am....i got brown hair of which i love cuttin!! its never the same.... my hair never falls the same way 2days...i'm pretty freakin random....i'd expect a random RAWR!!! alot *shrug* it happens... ummm....i want that guy to tell me i'm beautiful[not hot]...to dance with me when there's no music...to call me at 3in the morning just to say"i love you buttercup"....i want that guy who lets me make him watch The Notebook just so i can fall asleep in his arms....and i don't want him to end up like the rest of em.....all pot heads and a** holes.... i want -him- to prove to be they're not all the same...... and so far he's doin that for me... :] i'm pretty freakin dumb just ask any of my friends they'll tell ya straight up! i scare myself sometimes...yea i'ts possible... -_- hmmmm....*scratches head* what else is there to know about me? hmmmm....i'm pretty hard on myself like in school ya know? i have expectations of myself adn if i don't reach those expectations all hell breaks loose bish!!! and when that all hell breaks loose its best just not to say anything to me about it....if i call you and say nothings wrong and it sure as hell sounds like there is there prolly is i just need you to shhh about it and distract me from it and i'll eventually talk about it... and i'm really stubborn.....i hate it sometimes and i know my friends hate it....thats just how it goes tho...i can't cook for s**t...i'm suprised i can make ramon and not ******** that up...i burn mac and cheese.... -_- yea it's possible....i like the cheesy stuff ya like when you're a kid like disney and all those games you play with when your like 2 yea i like em and i play with em when i babysit more than the kids do o_o thats how it goes.... i say i'm sorry alot...i'm coming to notice that....hmm oh well!! i get distracted really easily and i'm not sure how it just kinda happens....o_O i keep alot of stuff bottled up inside...then i eventually just SNAP!and ya just gotta shut up and listen to me...thats how it goes i guess and thats me i guess.....and by the way...i suck w/words and i don't care!!
also here's this...
1. Name: Murray!
2. Birthday: January 13th
3. Birthplace: somewhere around here….O_o
4. Current Location: in front of my computer
5. Eye Color: brown-ish
6. Height: 5 something
7. Right or Left Handed: right
8. The Shoes You Wore Today: meh converse!
9. Your most Overused Phrase: ******** ME!
10. Thoughts First Waking Up: what the ********? -_-
11. Your Best Physical Feature: I’unno
12. Your Bedtime: round about ten
13. Your Most Missed Memory: middle school!
14. Your Fears: I’unno never thought about it….snakes and spiders I guess…
15. Your Weakness: being dumb… -_-
16. Perfect Pizza: pepporoni
17. Which side of the pillow: left when I fall asleep then I’m just all over the place!
18. Favorite place: meh room? I’unno just chillin with friends where ever they are!
19. Applesauce or Pudding: pudding
20. Pepsi or Coke: there’s a difference? O_o
21. MacDonald or Burger King: MICKY D’s!!!!!
22. Single or Group Dates: single..
23. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: both I guess…. 24. Chocolate or Vanilla: ********! I’unno what mood am I in?
25. Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
26. Do you hate pie: who the ******** does!!!?????
27. Do you Swear: quite often yesh I do..
28. Do you Sing: if I’m with friends bein dumb yea alone yea to sound good and pretty no!
29. Do you Shower Daily: der!
30. Have you Been in Love: I’m like to think I was….
31. Going to College?: yea
32. Going to get Married: eventually..
33. Believe in yourself: sometimes
34. Get Motion Sickness: not usually..
35. Think you are Attractive: eh…I got some nice parts of me…
36. Are you a Health Freak: MOST DEFINITYLY NOT!!!!
37. Get along with your Parents: mom for the most part of it dad less than mom but still yea
38. Like Thunderstorms: chyea!
39. Play an Instrument: I’m way too uncoordinated for that!
40. Drank Alcohol: yuppers
41. Smoked: weed? No cigarettes? Every so often not a lot..
42. Been on Drugs: nopers
43. Gone on a Date: yuppers
44. Gone to a Mall: der!
45. Eaten a box of Oreos: by myself? No but with the family der!
46. Eaten Sushi: eh…yes…-_-
47. Been on Stage: no
48. Been Poked?: yea..alot..
49. Went Skinny Dipping: nope
50. Stolen Anything: I pleade the fifth… O_O
51. Ever been Drunk: once
52. Ever been called a Tease: yea..
53. Ever been Beaten up: maybe so..playin around gah yea!
54. Ever Shoplifted: didn’t you already ask that? And didn’t I already pleade the fifth?
55. How do you want to Die: I kinda don’t wanna die…. O_O
56. You want to become a:I’d rather not think about it…-_-
57. Country you want to visit: Japan idk I kinda like the U.S
58. Favorite Eye Color: blue
59. Favorite Hair Color: doesn’t matter but I don’t really like red heads…
60. Short or Long Hair: on me not too long not too short.. on meh man…he shouldn’t be able to put it in his mouth…
61. Favorite band: tough question to ask anyone!!
62. Weight: 110-ish
63. Personality: I’unno..fun?
64. Best Clothing Style: w/e matches
65. Number of CDs I own: I was gonna count but I’m lazy to guess round about 60? Prolly more…I’unno
THERE!!! now...


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xXUnwritten AngelXx Report | 08/25/2010 12:47 am
xXUnwritten AngelXx
cool avi
Electronic Arts Report | 07/16/2009 12:44 pm
Electronic Arts
Alexis Delicious Report | 07/14/2009 11:20 am
Alexis Delicious
what kind of hair style is that it's so cute <3
D3vil_Miroku Report | 07/03/2009 11:57 am
just passin by and wanted to say nice pro
polkadotty21 Report | 06/13/2009 5:40 pm
nice prof
way2cute2Btrue Report | 05/24/2009 6:48 pm
lolz.. luv the background!! <3
xXThe Red Haired ManXx Report | 03/24/2009 8:04 pm
xXThe Red Haired ManXx
I guess thats up to you, and katie......i cant beleive you were still telling me you love me
vampire_fetish15 Report | 03/22/2009 7:36 pm
thanx 4 the buy! O;
WetMouse Report | 03/21/2009 5:48 pm
im trying to text my friends 2 c who will let me buy it on their phone lol
WetMouse Report | 03/21/2009 5:46 pm
Im with T-Mobile.......... D:


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xXUnwritten AngelXx
xXThe Red Haired ManXx

....loving you is my favorite mistake....