Heart Breakin' for now and I guess forever, why? It's my break up with Alex... I guess I'm now regretting that I love you and that I spended good time with you, but that it's just what my heart is saying so I don't know if it's true or not. I'm sorry if people are angry at me because I wrote this, but I can't do anything else but regret, regret and regret... I hope Alex is having good time with his new family (and I hope he's spending more good time with them then with me witch all that moment wasn't true)... I'm sorry but I just have to write this, I just can't concentrate anything unless I write this so if people are angry at me, it's normal, and I won't mind either 'cause I guess love in Gaia isn't strong like real life...
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My sweetie Alex Shepherd
You don't know how much I love you my love!
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