Who I Am
Hi, I'm xPrincessObliviousx! Welcome to my world! You can call me Okiku even though that's not my real name. biggrinMy Twitter:
See the little things I'm doing throughout the day. smile
Favorite Clothing Items:
Cat Scarf (I usually like to wear this)
SKT Sneakers (LOVE these)
Striped Stockings (<3)
Cherry Ring Pop
One thing you MUST know about me is that I am Twilight OBSESSED. I cannot live without anything Twilight related. <3 <3 <3 <3
Food: Tacos/Nachos I don't know which. biggrin
Pub/Disc/Restaurant: I don't know, actually.
Candy: Chocolate, but I'm wicked obsessed with Sour Patch Kids. OH! And Jolly Ranchers. xD
Number: 6 'cuz it can be turned into a 9 which is totally awesomenezz.
Color: I have different mixtures that I like. Red & Black, Hot Pink & Black, Hot Pink & Lime Green
Animal: Err...I like a lot of them. I can't really decide.
Drink: DR. PEPPER!!!
Body Part on Opposite sex: The eyes or the smile, but I really like the eyes. Those are what get me. I like the face altogether, though.
Perfume: Weirdly enough, I like the kind that smells like wet hair with shampoo. 0_o LOL. But I found this one I REAAALLY like called Delicious Night. <3
TV show: Ummm I don't know because I like a lot of shows.
Music Album: I use an iPod, so I guess I like a lot? I really like Stevie Wonder. LOL.
Movie: Twilight <333333
Actor/Actress: None
Pepsi or Coke: Coke (I'm weird, I can taste the difference! xD)
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King. They are THE BEST.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla. I used to like chocolate, but it's so BORING now!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate. I really just HATE coffee.
Kiss or Hug: Hug
Dog or Cat: I'm a dog person all the way. biggrin
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer, but my birthday's in winter which sucks a lot. I hate the days being shorter.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny, but I like scary too I guess.
Love or Money: ......Hard one for me. I like both. Love, I think? LOL. Well I wouldn't marry a guy for money.
Bedtime: I don't know. Depends.
Most Missed Memory: My sister. Dx and the game I used to play.
Best Physical Feature: Eyes. Definitely the eyes.
First Thought Waking Up: "I'm so TIRED."
Ambition: Wait, what?
Best Friend: I wouldn't like to tell you, but it's a girl.
Weakness: Nobody who listens to me, people who insult me and make fun of me.
Fears: Death. Any kind of death to anyone except the person causing it.
Longest Relationship: Never had one. sad
Cheated Your Partner: Once again, never had one.
Ever been Beaten Up: YES! By this girl who I thought was my friend. So then I acted like I was seriously injured and she didn't even care.
Ever Beaten someone up: Are you kidding me!?! I'm as weak as a stick!
Ever Shoplifted: No. Why would I want to go to jail?
Ever Skinny Dipped: Um, ew.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Nope.
Been Dumped lately: No, 'cause I never had a friggin boyfriend Now stop!
Been to the Mall lately: Not exactly.
Get along with your Parents: Hardly ever.
Do you think you're attractive: I have my days, but not generally. Everyone thinks I'm ugly. Dx
Believe in yourself: Not really.
Want to go to College: Not really, but I want to get a good job so I plan on it.
Do you Smoke: GOD NO!
Do you Drink: Ewww I hate anything that can get you drunk. It just smells and tastes awful.
Shower Daily: Yeah.
Been in Love: Yeah, but only with like 3 people.
Do you Sing In The Shower: LOL all the time!
Want to get Married: Possibly
Do you want Children: I don't think so...
Quiz Results I Got <object classid="clsid biggrin 27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://macromedia.com/cabs/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="250" height="250">
<embed src="http://www.quizilla.com/templates/QZ2/media/swf/quidget.swf?q_id=8419062&q_type=quizzes" [removed]="always" quality="high" width="250" height="250" id="Quidget" name="Quidget" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspace="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Great. >_< <object classid="clsid biggrin 27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://macromedia.com/cabs/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="250" height="250">
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Blehh. Dun like those shoes.
Some type of note/story thingie I made up with song lyrics. It's about a girl who broke up with a boy but she still loves him:
Is it you? You'd be the right guy. Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? I can feel you all around me thickening the air I'm breathing 'cause you're everywhere to me. I am the only one left who ever gave a damn about you.
I won't make excuses, I've made my peace. I'm in love and always will be. But you're just a boy, and you don't understand how it feels to love a girl. Someday you'll wish you were a better man.
Those were all real lyrics. xD
Quotes that describe my life:
"But my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles."
~Breathe (2 A.M.) by Anna Nalick
OMG my dream avi! Pleeeaaase help me get this. It's actually not that expensive. 0_o
Total Value: 31,236 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Vanilla Soft Serve Hat
Pearl Sparkle Empire Dress
Dreamer's Dust
Leather Couture Boots
Blue Jeans
Pwease donate? PLEEEEZZZZZ?
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but it looks like you got hacked in 08...
wow im 2 years late...
well if you ever do see this then i saw your videos they are up in fanpop
Did u canlce me as a frend crying
you're a guy????