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A short thing about me.

My name is Samantha, YOU may call me sam or sammy, i am 13, I like anime,ALOT of music, Sleeping, hanging out with my best friends, hmmmm.... i am one of those people who can't remember exactly what she was thinking at one point in time when she needs to know then, but if i can't think of it, it will come to me in another point of the week, yeah.... my memory sucks, i am also one of those people who are a very good secret keeper ,you wouldn't have to worry, i think of those situations as none of my business to tell people. i have a very sort temper, so don't set that fuse cuz you WILL get laid out, i hate it when people lie, i also WILL ******** HURT YOU IF YOU HURT MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ACTUALLY YOU WILL GET HURT IF YOU HURT ANY1 I CARE ABOUT, SO DON'T! My favorite holiday is Halloween, i love vampires, people tell me that i'm sort of goth or emo, i have thoughts that are deep and dark, idk why so don't ask.... i guess this is all you need to kno about me.... sooo.....yea, i'm done.
heart scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream stressed scream heart

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I Adopted a Chibi!
Name:Inuyasha smile
Loves: my owner and whoever or whatever she loves...
Doesn't Loves: People who get on my owner's nerves....
Owner mad oxspammy
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

My avatar

xoxspammy's avatar

Birthday: 08/23


View All Comments

x-HisDarkAngel Report | 04/27/2011 11:52 am
i fucckin miss u!!!!!!</3 why did i leave snow hill and why cant i come bak <//3
Naiomii Shidama Report | 04/16/2011 7:33 pm
Naiomii Shidama
~:&gt;*11 signs that ur in love*&lt;:~

You walk really slow when you're with them.

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see the other
People around you, you just see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when you're
Looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just to see them.

While reading this, there was one person on your
Mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you
Didn't notice number seven was missing

You just scrolled up to check &amp; are now silently
Laughing at yourself.





* send this to at lest 5 people in the next 10
And something good will happen.
Because you read this you will get kissed on
Friday.BREAK IT and your crush will ask someone else out.
Tomorrow will be the best day of you life. How
Ever,if you don't send this to at least 10 people,
By at least 1am, you will have bad luck for the rest
Of you life. Just copy, paste and you will get kissed
On Friday. DON'T send it back to the person who
Sent it to your TAG UR IT!! This is so scary. Send this
To 15 people in 143 mins. When you are done press F6 and you crushes name will appear &lt;&lt; IT ACTUALLY WORK
itachiuchihaoftheakaske Report | 02/19/2011 12:37 pm
put this on 3 people's profile comment press f6 and u will get 1,000,000
God Solder- Wolf Report | 01/19/2011 6:36 pm
God Solder- Wolf
Thanks for the buy Fiend.
x-HisDarkAngel Report | 01/17/2011 12:20 pm
i misss again
x-HisDarkAngel Report | 01/16/2011 12:26 pm
lol sammie i misses u alots now even tho u where like here like almost an hour ago i miss my bestie boo!!!!!!!!!<3
lawliiipop Report | 01/12/2011 12:52 pm
Welll there you go, lol.
lawliiipop Report | 01/12/2011 12:49 pm
Even though it wasn't anything great.. Lol.
lawliiipop Report | 01/12/2011 12:46 pm
Thanks for buying!
stupidmanboobs Report | 10/18/2010 6:51 pm
i would listen to Paramore


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My thoughts and poems

I write whatever is on my mind, which can be very simple to complex. I can use words to describe me when im not in a mood to speak. Poetry is what i like to use the most.


PLZ Plz read this and post on ur profial plz plz plz this is really sad. Her name was Auroura She was only five This is what happend When she was alive Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endore A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly crys She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, " God, why? Why is My life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high The poor child was hit and slapped As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest, " You deserve to die You worthless pest! " The mom walked out Leaving the girl slowly dying She grabbed her bear And again started crying Police showed up At the small little house They quickly barged in Everything was as quiet as a mouse One officer slowly Opened a door To find the sad little girl Lying on the floor It must have been bad To go through so much harm But at least she died With her best friend in her arms A child dies every day from child abuse. And if you have an ounce of pity in you for little Auroura and you hate child abuse with a passion you will repost this and help out those abused children and let them know that someone cared for them. If you don't then you should go to frikin hell, this is horrible what happened to these innocent children. It doesn't take that long to repost only about 10 seconds so please just do it. its worth it to let everyone see this. some people are so cruel... this is terible but it hapens so much we cant ignore it. Plz do post this on ur profial to help stop child abuse!
...the worst feeling is not is knowing that you are not needed....
Sometimes I Wonder If The Boy I Like Will Like Me LOL HE DOES

Bestie in rl and shes been there through most of my depression. I can count on her for anything!