➜ My Name is Alex (: Ima 8th grader at Walsh. I Love meetinq New people. My Imaqination Could take You too A Galaxy. I kindaa Like Hatee skool. I know Riqht?! Yes im short I have Brown hair &brown eyes. I make Alottt of Mistakes but at this Aqe don’t We All. People talk Madd s**t ; qet too Kno me Befor you judqe me off from what you Hear. Just because I'm Known to make people qiqqle & kno how too have fun doesn't mean im Not a Serious person. Trust is somethin' you Earn that takes a lonq time too develop. Personality comes Before Looks
smile My Life Has Been a Race that I have yet too Complete. Im Real into, Havinq fun & Just hanqinq Outt. I can Be Random at times. My Dream is to die being known, I don't wanna die havin no one remembering me. Surprises are Amazinqq!! My Friends are My Lifee (: There's A Rainbow In Every Storm. Last buhh not Least, I just wanna Thank You for taking the time too read this. If You Read all of it then WooHoo! You Get a Golden Star Alriqht, i wish I could Continue buhh my time is Now up. Its Nice you know me buhh it would make my day if I got too know You