yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry
Please ignore the weeabooy person I used to be.
I have been on gaia for a long time, and have changed over the course of the years.
I am a lover of lolita fashion, and cute things.
I am 19 (turning 20 in June).
Yes, I like some anime, but not a huge tard for it much anymore.
If you're a fan of MLP:FIM, or minecraft, we will get along just fine.
yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry yum_strawberry
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Minty Milks Chronicles
I will try my best to entertain.
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& I saw Link on your profile and smiled like a ********
& couldn't tell if that was Leon from Resident evil on there but still bad a**
heres another for your random comment collection, ; v ;
graphics & comments | Animals Graphics | 1.0 MySpace Layouts
It is soooo hot here!!!!
109! tooo hot