This is yo boi Slm Aka Roo Roo's profile. You can leave any comments that you want on my profile about anything that pleases you. Meanwhile, i like to play all types of sports. The main sports that im very good at are basketball, sometimes football, and baseball. Any sport that are out there i can play it. Other than that, try to have a good time and enjoy my profile and music.;~ My soldiers to look out fo: ~
the voice in my mind xx_H00D GiRL_xx --soul sister Honey251----partna in crime Guthix Follower--- my boi D-Ratchet---my cuzzo Redd155---voice 0Blackrose----kind-hearted Lil Dri-Dri----cuzzo till death Nivia568----ma komrad Hot Rocko----my cuzzo Astonian---my brotha young dunn-----my cool kat iGets_crunk----my family Diona Lovely----my partna J0hnny---my krump brotha Lilweezie----my newest family Lil Pozzy---my determined sista Nazhia-----my homeboi Sagyobi----my beloved sista KalaRoo
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