Mwe Rawr
Hiya! My nwame is Hannah! If we are going to be friends you have to know everything about mwe!I am human and girl.♀
I am vwery vwery scawy RAWR RAWR!
I like saying LOL XD.
I am rAnDoM!
I come from RaNdOm ViLlE!
I age up on 22nd of January. X
My friends fink Im funny I laugh all the time!
I am loopy a bit(well alot)
My mind works a little differently, than to the other human species.
I go to my own wittle world sometimes!
I say what I think(the other day I said Dave at school and I didnt know! X
I like music. LALALALALALA ♫
I am very happy.
I love people who love mwe!
( ';')
(> )> █ i was like, totally gonna give u this chocolate bar....
..(o_o )
█<( < but then i was like...
(>█< im sooo hungry!!!
(>█ < then i ated it............
Bwy the way the first song on my playlist is dedicated to my newly married dad who is now happily married to Stacey. And the swong is the song they danced to on the night. I neraly cwried. Love you dwaddy. X
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